Best Time to Visit Tanzania, Weather, Temperature, Climate

Best Time to Visit Tanzania, Weather, Temperature, Climate. Best Time to Visit Tanzania for safari, migration, beaches, and worst time according to experts. From July through September, Tanzania enjoys its longest and driest season, making it the ideal time to visit. Safaris, trekking, the Great Migration, and Zanzibar beach vacations are most enjoyable during these months.

During these months, travel is at its highest. Because of the increased traffic, several hotels, lodges, and parks have decided to raise their prices.

Going during the brief wet season (late October through December) is a good option if you want to avoid the crowds and enjoy some peace and quiet.

You should try to avoid going in April and May, when it rains for a lengthy time. There has been a history of last-minute event cancellations due to the intense and abrupt rains.

Tanzania Places to Visit | Best time to Visit | Interesting Facts

When is the best time to visit Tanzania (Month by Month)

Tanzania in January

Following the brief downpours in November and December, January brings mostly hot and dry weather.

A brief downpour is possible, although it’s more likely to happen throughout the night.

It is highly recommended to visit the Ndutu Plains in January, particularly towards the end of the month, during calving season, if you want to witness an abundance of wildebeest.

Tanzania in February

Migrants are continuing making their way over the Ndutu Plains as temperatures rise.

February is a great time to go on a safari in the northern or southern parks, climb Kilimanjaro, or take a beach vacation to Zanzibar.

Similar to January, brief downpours are still possible, but they tend to happen throughout the night.

Tanzania in March

Extreme heat persists as the migration begins to move westward, approaching the Grumeti River.

Trekking, safaris, and beach vacations are still best enjoyed in the start of the month. As the month draws to a close, though, rain becomes more likely as Tanzania enters its lengthy rainy season.

Tanzania in April

The protracted wet season begins in earnest around April. Heavy rains can ruin vacation plans, so it’s best to avoid travelling during this time.

This is the most perilous time of year to climb Kilimanjaro. A lot of lodges are closed as well.

Tanzania in May

May is a rainy month, similar to April, making it less than ideal for travel. Although visually appealing, the abundance of flora makes animal observation more challenging.

Tanzania in June

Towards the beginning of June, the long rainy season ends, and Tanzania is blanketed by verdant vegetation and is a great time for bird-watching.

By the end of the month, the savannah generally becomes drier and locating wildlife becomes easier. The migration begins heading north from Grumeti River in June.

Tanzania in July

The busiest time of year for tourists visiting Tanzania begins in July. Elephants are congregating at Tarangire National Park in preparation for their migration to Kenya.

Southern safari parks like Ruaha and Selous are more secluded, so visitors can escape the throng and cheap costs of peak season.

In order to secure their favorite accommodation, visitors are urged to make their reservations in advance.

July is another pleasant month to visit Zanzibar because it is still dry but slightly cooler than the months of December to March.

For early morning safari drives and sundowners in the bush, it’s a good idea to bring some warmer clothing, as nights, evenings, and mornings on the mainland can also be chilly.

Tanzania in August

Tanzania is at its best in August, when the weather is dry and mild.

Once animals begin to seek out water, their activities become more predictable, increasing the likelihood that you will spot The Big Five.

Because of the abundance of food and shelter available at the otherwise haunting Lake Natron, flamingos also flock there in large numbers.

The months of August and September are ideal for scuba divers because of the exceptionally clean water. Furthermore, the islands in the Indian Ocean are a nesting ground for turtles.

Tanzania in September

September, the final month of the peak season, is known for its high pricing and huge volume of visitors. The Serengeti is home to migratory zebra and wildebeest herds.

The Mara River, which originates in Kenya’s Northern Serengeti, presents the greatest challenge they must overcome.

The exhilarating but terrifying scenes of wildebeest hurriedly swimming across crocodile-infested waterways serve to remind tourists of the African Plains’ inescapable cycle of life.

During your time in Zanzibar and along the coast, you may be lucky enough to see turtles hatching from their eggs.

Tanzania in October

October may not be peak season anymore, but it is still a dry month and a great time to go trekking, safari-ing, or relaxing on the beaches of Tanzania.

There are still many creatures to observe in Kenya, even if the migration has ended.

It is best to start your vacation plans for the month of October before the brief rainy season begins, which might begin as late as the end of the month.

Tanzania in November

The brief rainy season begins in November. Even though it’s the low season (November–early December), most lodges stay open (unlike during the extended rain season).

In the evenings, you might get a little shower. When the grasslands and plains turn verdant again, safari parks become ideal viewing spots for birds, particularly those that migrate south. You could see a few crossings here and there as the migration slowly makes its way south from Kenya.

The best time to see whale sharks off the coast of Zanzibar or Mafia is between the months of November and March.

Tanzania in December

Midway through December marks the end of the brief wet season. Occasionally, from December to March, it may rain briefly, but it will likely be nighttime and very brief.

The weather is steadily warming up throughout this month, making it an ideal time to visit Zanzibar. If you want to avoid crowds and higher prices, plan ahead of time for the days leading up to Christmas.