Things to Do in Tanzania, Places According to Experts

Things to Do in Tanzania, Places, Tanzania Bucket List for 2025. Things To Do And Places To Visit In Tanzania | Must-See Attractions.

Unbelievable Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s most famous national parks and natural attractions, such as the breathtaking Mount Kilimanjaro. Discover the top things to do in Tanzania by reading our advice!

Safaris and other wildlife-related activities are among the most popular and popular reasons to visit Tanzania. Another popular reason is the opportunity to relax on the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar.

Discover the greatest places to visit in Tanzania with our comprehensive list of the country’s most popular attractions and activities.

Things To Do And Places To Visit In Tanzania | Must-See Attractions

Things To Do And Places To Visit In Tanzania | Must-See Attractions

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park is home to millions of species, and millions more reside or migrate through its vast, treeless plain in search of fresh grasses.

While you could come across several notable African creatures here, the annual wildebeest migration is what really makes this place famous.

Joined by tens of thousands of zebras and gazelles, about 1.5 million wildebeest set out on their annual migration in May or early June.

This migration is the main draw for many tourists because it is one of the most breathtaking natural displays. An additional 500 bird species call the Serengeti home.

Each year, the Serengeti, Tanzania’s second-largest national park, welcomes tens of thousands of tourists.

Visit Serengeti National Park between the months of June and September for the greatest chance of seeing animals.

Zanzibar Beaches

ZANZIBAR, TANZANIA: Guide to PARADISE! The MOST Beautiful Beaches in Africa!

Famous for its beautiful beaches, the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar (also spelled “Unguja”) is a popular tourist destination.

Pemba and this island are both part of the archipelago known as Zanzibar. It is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches.

White sand beaches with shallow, crystal blue water and traditional boats dotting the shoreline await visitors. From one side of the island to the other, the waves are different.

Mount Kilimanjaro


The most iconic picture of Tanzania is the continent’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m).

Unlike other parks in northern Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro National Park attracts visitors primarily for the chance to marvel at the majestic snow-capped peak and, for many, to try climbing it.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is possible at any time of year, although the best time is between the months of June and October, when the weather is usually dry.

Kilimanjaro, a World Heritage Site, was formed more than a million years ago by volcanic activity in the Rift Valley.

Three volcanic cones—Shira, Kibo, and Mawenzi—emerged around 750,000 years ago. The highest point is Uhuru Peak on Kibo, which is one of the Seven Summits on Earth.

At its base is an agricultural area; at its peak is a lunar environment; and in between are a rainforest, an alpine meadow, and the agricultural area.

Birdwatchers will discover a diverse array of birds in the alpine zone, while jungle slopes are home to elephants, buffalo, monkeys, and leopards.

The government green-lit a plan to build a cable car on Mount Kilimanjaro in late 2020, although there is no project currently ongoing.

It would take guests 3,700 meters above sea level if it were constructed.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Crater & Conservation Area, Tanzania

One of the most visited areas in Tanzania for animal viewing is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, home to the world-renowned volcanic Ngorongoro Crater.

The Serengeti and Lake Manyara are in the middle of its location.

This enormous volcanic crater is a magnet for many animals because it provides a constant supply of water, eliminating the need for them to migrate.

Seeing large animals and birds is the main draw for most visitors.

Over half of the creatures residing in the Ngorongoro Crater are zebras and wildebeests, however the crater floor is home to thousands of species, including buffalo, lions, elephants, rhinos, and Thomson’s gazelles.

When you want to see flamingos in their natural habitat, the greatest spot to do it is near Lake Magadi.

Grazing on the nearby grass in the evenings and spending the day submerged is a perfectly normal activity for hippos.

The largest ancient caldera still in existence today is the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania. It dates back about three million years.

The Ngorongoro volcano, which recently erupted and collapsed, was once one of the world’s tallest mountains.

The protected region also boasts the fascinating Olduvai Gorge.

Findings from this major archaeological site, including pieces of ancient bone and skull, have elucidated important details about prehistoric human societies.

Erosion over millennia has revealed ancient human remains and fossils in Olduvai Gorge, which is situated on multiple fault lines.

While exploring the Olduvai Gorge in 1911 for butterflies, a German professor stumbled upon some fossilized skeletons.

During a later voyage, the Leakeys collected bones, a skull, and parts of it that were thought to be around 2 million years old.

Tools and hunting gear from a period of one million to five million years ago were also discovered at Olduvai Gorge.

Another exciting find was the famous footprints of a mother, child, and childless couple in Laetoli, not far from Olduvai.

This and other evidence suggests that three distinct hominin species made this region their home more than two million years ago.

Mafia Island

Mafia Island – Best Kept Secret of Tanzania | Explore the Tanzania

The Mafia Island Marine Park protects an underwater ecosystem that draws divers and snorkelers from around the globe.

While May through October is when Mafia Island is at its weatheriest, the months of October through March are when divers will find the clearest waters.

The tranquil diving conditions, amazing coral gardens, and diverse wildlife at Mafia Island Marine Park make it an ideal location for scuba divers.

There are a great variety of birds and about 400 fish species in the area. On top of that, Mafia Island is home to the green turtle’s traditional breeding grounds, and the turtle is now in danger of being extinct.

Tuna, marlin, sailfish, and other big-game fish are common targets for deep-sea fishermen in Mafia.

Tarangire National Park

One of the best places to watch animals is at Tarangire National Park, which was established in 1970.

The months of July through September, known as the dry season, are ideal for visiting because that’s when the river is most frequented by animals.

During the dry season, the lagoons of Tarangire National Park attract a multitude of migrating animals, including as eland, wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, impala, gazelle, and hartebeest.

In addition to its verdant scenery and plethora of elephants, the park is famous for a number of other things.

Birdwatchers will love Tarangire National Park, which is home to more than 300 species of birds. Among these species are eagles, falcons, kites, herons, vultures, and storks.

Pemba Island

AFRICA’S BEST BEACH (Pemba Island Zanzibar)

Pemba Island is the furthest island to the north of the Zanzibar archipelago. Scuba diving in the Indian Ocean has unparalleled visibility, and there are other desert islands close to Pemba.

Sea fans, coral reefs, and multicolored sponges populate this aquatic paradise. Scuba divers love to call Pemba’s main population hub, Chake Chake, home.

Due to its lower tourist volume, Pemba has a more laid-back vibe than Zanzibar.

The island’s 1,000-meter peaks are a major draw for mountain bikers due to their rough beauty and extensive valleys.

One of the local must-visit locations is Misali Island Beach. A beautiful white sand beach can be found on an uninhabited tropical island.

One of the world’s leading clove producers, Pemba is also well-known for its magical and therapeutic juju practices.

Those in search of a cure or to learn from the traditional and voodoo healers come from all over East Africa.

Lake Manyara National Park


Lake Manyara National Park features a mix of woodland, meadow, and wetland terrain.

Nearly two-thirds of the park is under water, and during certain seasons, hundreds of flamingos and other birds call Lake Manyara home.

The main attractions of Lake Manyara National Park include the presence of elephants, the lions that can climb trees, and the hippos that may be viewed considerably closer than in other parks.

This park is home to the highest concentration of baboons on Earth.

Canoeing, animal drives, bird watching, and mountain biking are some of the most popular things to do in Lake Manyara National Park.

Julius Neyere National Park

Nyerere National Park Tanzania

Among Africa’s game reserves, Julius Neyere National Park stands tallest. It covers five percent of Tanzania and was established in 1922. The southern area is off-limits.

Cliffs dot the landscape, which is otherwise unspoiled and heavily wooded. Travelers are limited to only being able to reach the area north of the Rufiji River.

This section of Julius Neyere National Park is home to wide-open grasslands, forests, rivers, hills, and plains.

A river with the largest catchment area in East Africa, the Rufiji River divides Julius Neyere National Park.

A major feature of the reserve, the river provides excellent viewing opportunities for a wide range of aquatic species. Wildlife such as elephants, hippos, rhinos, buffalo, antelope, giraffes, warthogs, wildebeests, lions, leopards, and cheetahs can all be spotted there.

The number of bird species found at Julius Neyere National Park exceeds 350.

Stone Town

Tour of Historic Stone Town in Zanzibar

Stone Town, Zanzibar’s cultural heart, has changed little in the two centuries since it was last visited.

The distinctive beauty of the city is derived from the majestic old Arabian palaces that adorn the meandering alleys and alleyways.

Most of the houses in Stone Town were built during the nineteenth century, when Zanzibar was one of the most important Swahili trading centers in the Indian Ocean.

Invitingly bra-studded wooden doors adorn numerous of the residences.

As the world’s oldest continuously inhabited Swahili city, Stone Town has had many of its notable landmarks restored to their former glory.

Many of the historic buildings are now museums or popular tourist spots. Hidden about town are a handful of fascinating old churches, each with its own unique history.

You can reach the historic Stone Town area, which includes the Darajani Market, Beit el-Amani, City Hall, and the Anglican Cathedral, by taking a stroll down Creek Road.

Other notable sites are the Forodhani Gardens, the Old Dispensary with its intricately carved wooden balconies, Beit el-Sahel, also called the People’s Palace, which was the ancient sultans’ house, the Hamamni Persian Baths, which were built in 1888, and the Old Fort, which is the oldest building in Stone Town.

Lake Victoria

Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya form a border around Africa’s largest freshwater lake, Lake Victoria. The lake provides a source of income for the millions of people who live in its vicinity by feeding the White Nile.

Although the Tanzanian side of Lake Victoria is one of the least visited parts of the country, the towns of Bukoba, Musoma, and Mwanza offer a lot to see and do.

Near Mwanza and Musoma, there are a number of islands that have been designated as wildlife sanctuaries.

Around Lake Victoria, visitors can arrange boat tours or hikes, and many often go fishing or birdwatching.

Rubondo Island National Park, located on the southwestern shore of Lake Victoria, is home to several smaller islands.

Gombe National Park

Explore Gombe National Park, Tanzania.

Primate enthusiasts and those seeking a less touristic experience are the primary visitors to Gombe National Park (also spelled Gombe Stream National Park).

This location, one of the smaller national parks in Tanzania, became well-known because to the work of Jane Goodall.

In 1960, the British researcher initially arrived in the nation to observe wild chimpanzees; however, her work ultimately resulted in the establishment of the longest-running behavioral research project globally.

To observe chimpanzees in their native environment, tourists can join guided excursions into the jungle. Many different kinds of animals and primates call this park home.

Barbets, sunbirds, crowned eagles, kingfishers, and palm-nut vultures are just a few of the more than 200 bird species that call the tropical forest their home.

Swimming and hiking are two other popular pastimes; one path goes into the woods and ends with a waterfall in a valley.

Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park | Amazing Wildlife Safari at Chada Katavi Camp

Katavi National Park is a hidden gem where you may find pristine wilderness.

Katavi is characterized by its enormous flood plain, which is bisected by the Katuma River and a number of seasonal lakes.

The lakes are home to about 400 different bird species, as well as large herds of hippos and crocodiles.

One of the things to do in Katavi is to see the hippos at the end of the dry season. There can be as many as 200 of them trying to squeeze into a little pool of water.

During the dry season, Katavi National Park comes to life, and visitors can witness herds of giraffes, zebras, impala, and reedbuck at the park’s last remaining ponds and streams.

Tens of thousands of buffalo and elephants also gather in the park as the floodwaters recede.

Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park, Tanzania, Africa

Arusha National Park is smaller than some of Tanzania’s other parks, but it boasts a diverse array of ecosystems, such as the forest atop Mount Meru, the southeasterly Ngurdoto Crater, and the Momella Lakes—a group of seven crater lakes.

Black and white Colobus monkeys can be seen in the forest, while herds of warthogs, buffalo, and zebras are spread around the swampy base of the crater.

Momella Lakes are a haven for a diverse array of waterbirds, both year-round and those passing through.

Mount Meru, the second-highest mountain in Tanzania and one of the most beautiful volcanoes in Africa, attracts sightseers who want to see the local animals up close.

Several thousand feet below, in the crater, there is a volcanic cone, and the views from the peak, which are reached by a narrow slope, are just spectacular.

In spite of the steep ascent, the path passes through parkland, forest, heather, and moorland.

Ruaha National Park


Established in 2008, Ruaha National Park is the biggest park in Tanzania. There are a lot of gazelles and buffalo in the area, and the elephant population is among the greatest in Tanzania.

Spectacular wildlife can be seen along the banks of the Great Ruaha River, the park’s principal feature.

The river also plays a major role in meeting Tanzania’s power demands with a hydroelectric facility located at Kidatu.

Since Ruaha National Park receives the fewest visitors of any Tanzanian park, its natural beauty is mostly undisturbed.

Birdwatchers can see more than 400 species of birds that aren’t found in northern Tanzania, while photographers are captivated by the river, stunning gorges, and majestic trees.

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Sharon Amagoro

Our Africa Safari Expert here to help

Frequently Asked Questions

When Is The Best Time To Go On A Safari In Tanzania

Traveling to Tanzania during the lengthy dry season (July–October) is a must.

This is the prime time for safaris, trekking, the Great Migration, and beach vacations in Zanzibar.

Around July is when most tourists visit Tanzania. Tarangire National Park is seeing a large gathering of elephants as they prepare to migrate into Kenya.

Because animals start seeking water sources in August, making their movements predictable for guides, the likelihood of seeing the Big Five increases during this month.

Also, Flamingos congregate in big numbers in Lake Natron in the hopes of finding food and shelter there.

In September, the final month of the peak season, the Serengeti is traversed by the migratory herds of zebras and wildebeests.

Their primary obstacle is the Mara River, which originates in the Northern Serengeti in Kenya. Seeing herds of wildebeest frantically swim through waterways teeming with crocodiles can be an exhilarating experience.

Those interested in wildebeests should plan their trip to the Ndutu Plains around the last week of January to witness the calving season.

Where Are The Best Beaches In Tanzania

Zanzibar is home to some of Tanzania’s most beautiful beaches, with its postcard-perfect white sands and turquoise waters.

Some of the top beaches on the island for kiteboarding are Paje Beach, Nungwi Beach, and Kendwa Beach.

Misali Island Beach and Utende Beach, both on Pemba Island and Mafia Island, are other notable runners-up.

What Is The Best Town For Tourism In Tanzania

Stone Town in Zanzibar is among the most popular tourist destinations on Earth.

Tourists can mingle with friendly locals, meander through winding alleys, and see the Old Fort, a breathtaking historic building built by the Omani Arabs to ward off the Portuguese.

At the gorgeous Forodhani Night Food Market, guests may indulge in delectable street cuisine.

The town’s stunning Swahili architecture, lively bazaar, and stunning ocean view make it unique and unforgettable.

Is Tanzania Worth Visiting

Every type of traveler will find something to their liking in Tanzania.

Incredible animal reserves, stunning beaches, luxurious accommodations, and mouth-watering local food are just a few of the many attractions.

What are the Best Things to do in Tanzania: Our final word

It is essential to organize all of your activities in advance of your Tanzanian vacation if you want to have a memorable experience.

When planning your vacation, don’t forget to include these popular attractions.

Our top 15 things to do in Tanzania will provide you with a wealth of information about the country and ensure that your vacation is one you won’t soon forget.