Best Guide To Nimule National Park, Things to Do & Safaris

The Best Guide To Nimule National Park, Things to Do & Safaris. Among South Sudan’s little-known gems is Nimule National Park, which is situated in the southeast region. Animals like as zebras, elephants, giraffes, lions, and antelopes thrive in the park’s varied habitats, which span over 4,320 square kilometers. The park’s breathtaking scenery, which includes expansive savannas, undulating hills, and thick woods, is another reason for its fame. Visit Nimule National Park if you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind vacation spot and a lover of nature. This article will examine the origins and current state of Nimule National Park in detail.

The rich history of Nimule National Park begins with its establishment as a game reserve in the early 20th century. The area was formally proclaimed as a game reserve in 1939 by the Sudanese government, although it was mostly used for hunting by British colonial officials at the time. The park was rechristened Nimule National Park after its limits were enlarged in the 1960s. During the years 1983–2005 of the Sudanese civil war, the park remained off-limits to the general population. The war had a devastating effect on the park, as hunting and poaching caused the extinction of several species of animals.

Nimule National Park

There were attempts to rebuild the park’s animal populations once the park reopened to the public in 2008, following the end of the civil war. After that, things started to look up for the park, and now it’s a thriving national park home to all sorts of animals. Ecotourists have been flocking to the park in recent years to see the rare and exotic wildlife that inhabits it. Many residents rely on the park for their livelihood; they work as guides, rangers, and in the hospitality industry.

A trip to Nimule National Park is sure to be an unforgettable one. The park’s rehabilitation gives hope to conservationists around the globe, and its history demonstrates how nature can bounce back from adversity. Nimule National Park is a must-visit location for anybody seeking a destination that offers a perfect blend of scenic beauty, wildlife, and cultural immersion.

Boat Tour Of Nimule National Park, South Sudan

Things to Do in Nimule National Park

Visitors to South Sudan’s Nimule National Park can partake in a number of exciting activities that are sure to satisfy their need for adventure. If you’re looking for an exciting day at the park, try some of these popular attractions.

Nimule National Park is a breathtaking location that boasts a wide variety of animals and beautiful scenery. Some of the more enjoyable methods to see the park’s natural splendor are detailed here.

Game Drives

Going on a game drive is a great way to see Nimule National Park. On an open-air vehicle tour of the park, an expert guide may point out animals and tell you all about the park’s ecology and history. The animals are most active in the mornings and late afternoons, making those times ideal for game drives.

Walking Safaris

Nimule National Park offers walking safaris for those who want a more personal and immersive experience. In this way, you can see animals in their own environment and get a close look at them. For safety concerns, you must be escorted by an armed ranger; yet, the trip is very worthwhile.

Boat Safaris

Nimule National Park is a one-of-a-kind spot for a boat safari thanks to the Nile River’s path through the park. Along the banks of the Nile, you can see animals from a new angle and enjoy the breathtaking surroundings. Keep your distance from the water since you might see crocodiles and hippos swimming about.

Bird Watching

Nimule National Park is a birdwatcher’s dream, with more than 300 different bird species calling it home. Species including the Grey Crowned Crane, Goliath Heron, and African Fish Eagle can be seen on guided birding tours.


Nimule National Park is a great place to go hiking because it has many paths that lead to beautiful overlooks of the park’s flora and fauna. Stroll through the woodlands and savannas or join a guided climb to the park’s highest point for a bird’s-eye perspective of the area.


Camping within Nimule National Park is a great way to get in touch with nature. Under the starlight and the sounds of the African wilderness, you can pitch your tent in one of the authorized places. Getting closer to nature in this unconventional method is a must-do when visiting the park.

Rock Climbing

Nimule National Park has some challenging granite outcrops that skilled climbers can tackle. Rock climbers of all skill levels will find an appropriate cliff to scale at this area. Enjoy breathtaking vistas of the park while embarking on an exciting adventure.

Rafting And Kayaking

At Nimule National Park, you may do white water rafting or kayaking on the Nile River. You may feel the exhilaration of navigating the river while tackling the rapids with the help of a guide.

Mountain Biking

Mountain bikers will find a variety of hard and exciting trails to explore the varied landscapes of Nimule National Park. You’ll have to carry your own gear and bike, but the adventure and scenery are well worth it.

Wildlife of Nimule National Park

  • African Elephant:
    A large number of African elephants choose Nimule National Park their home. Grazing in the woods and savannas, these magnificent creatures are the biggest terrestrial mammals on the planet.
  • Giraffe:
    In Nimule National Park you can also see the giraffe, another famous African mammal. Their speckled coats and long necks make these graceful animals easy to distinguish.
  • Lion:
    Nimule National Park is home to the majestic lion, ruler of the jungle. Despite their evasiveness, a game drive offers the chance to see these animals.
  • Zebra:
    The zebra’s striking black and white stripes make it an easily recognizable African animal. Zebra herds are visible grazing on the park’s savannas.
  • Antelopes:
    Impala, bushbuck, and eland are just a few of the antelope species found in Nimule National Park. The park’s vast plains are a common sight for these elegant creatures as they graze.

Wildlife At Nimule National Park, South Sudan

Getting to Nimule National Park

Juba International Airport, located in South Sudan’s capital, is the most convenient airport for visiting Nimule National Park. Nimule is around 170 kilometers southeast of Juba; getting there from the capital is easy; either take a public bus or arrange for a private ride. Depending on the state of the roads, the trip can take anywhere from three to four hours.

Best Time to Visit Nimule National Park

The dry season, which begins in December and continues until April, is ideal for a visit to Nimule National Park. Sunny and dry weather makes wildlife viewing easier, as does the fact that animals tend to concentrate around water sources. On the other hand, the wet season (May–November) is a good time to go if you want to escape the throng. At this time of year, the park is verdant and hardly populated.

Packing List: Nimule National Park

  • Comfortable Clothing:
    Nimule National Park experiences hot days and cool nights, so it’s best to pack light and comfortable attire. If you want to keep the wildlife from running away, don’t choose bright colors.
  • Sturdy Footwear:
    Wear strong and comfortable footwear, such hiking boots or sneakers, because you will be walking a lot on your safari.
  • Sun Protection:
    South Sudan’s sun is known for its powerful rays, so bring protective gear like sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.
  • Insect Repellent:
    Bring insect repellent to Nimule National Park to avoid being bitten by the myriad insects that call it home.
  • Camera and Binoculars:
    Nimule National Park is home to incredible wildlife sights that you won’t want to miss. To obtain the best shots, bring a camera with a zoom lens and binoculars to examine the creatures up close.

With its beautiful scenery and wide variety of animals, Nimule National Park is an amazing safari location. Get the most out of your trip and produce memories that will last a lifetime by following these travel, timing, and packing suggestions.