Best Places to Visit in Zambia & Must See Zambia Attractions

Among all the African countries, Zambia is often said to be the most picturesque, welcoming, culturally rich, and pristine. Zambia boasts an abundance of natural water resources, including the magnificent Victoria Falls and numerous more falls spread out over the country. The country is also home to the world-renowned Zambezi River. Urban regions of Zambia provide a flavor of the country’s diverse culture, while the country’s many national parks provide excellent opportunity to see predators and plains animals in their natural habitat.

Places to Visit in Zambia

Zambia National Parks

Zambia is home to some of the world’s finest game-viewing experiences, and its game reserves are perfect havens for a diverse array of animals. Investigate the South and North parks along the Luangwa River, which is home to hippos and crocodiles, the expansive Lower Zambezi, and the enormous and mostly uncharted Kafue.

Zambia has set aside over 30% of its 752,614 acres for wildlife. The nation is home to twenty national parks and thirty-four game management areas. There are few national parks on Earth that can be considered as good as South Luangwa, Kafue, and Lower Zambezi.

Although there is a lot of wildlife in the sparsely developed areas of Luambe, Lukusuzi Liuwa Plain, West Lunga, Sioma Ngwezi, and Nyika Plateau, these areas lack proper infrastructure and accommodations. Mosi-oa-Tunya, close to Victoria Falls, is considered a zoo because of its well regulated antelope, elephant, giraffe, and rhino populations, all of which are free from natural predators.

Although there is little administration, few facilities, and unpredictable wildlife populations in Isangano, Lavushi Manda, Lusenga Plain, and Mweru Wantipa, brave explorers and birdwatchers should still visit. Just outside of the city, in June 2015, the public was welcomed to the newest park to be proclaimed: Lusaka National Park. It is the responsibility of the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) to oversee the national parks. Learn the rules and how much it costs to enter the park before you go.


The many rich waterways that span Zambia are home to a variety of breathtaking waterfalls, cascades, rapids, cataracts, and flumes, while Victoria Falls naturally takes most of the attention.


The water bodies of Zambia provide something for everyone, whether it’s the history and magnitude of the world’s longest lake, Lake Tanganyika, or the opportunity to escape the crowds at Lake Mweru or enjoy a quiet beach vacation on the shores of Lake Kariba.


Zambia is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, with a plethora of lakes and waterfalls to choose from. The country’s rivers, including the majestic Zambezi, Luangwa, and Kafue, provide excellent chances for fishing, paddling safaris, and adventurous activities. Many of Zambia’s animals choose these rivers home since they are among the most pristine and well-protected on the continent.

Towns And Cities

Cities and towns in Zambia have grown rapidly and extensively in recent decades. In contrast to the historic town of Livingstone’s rise to prominence as the country’s “adventure capital,” the capital city of Zambia, Lusaka, is currently one of the fastest-growing cities in Africa.