Secrets Of Bandingilo National Park, Things To Do And Facts

Part of a bigger ecosystem that extends north to the Sudd, an interior delta bordering the White Nile, one of the Nile River’s two principal tributaries, and east via the Jonglei corridor, Badingilo National Park in South Sudan is 200,000 square kilometers in size. Among South Sudan’s many fascinating national parks, this one stands out.

Established in 1986 with the goal of protecting the now-locally extinct black rhino, the park encompasses 8,935 sq. km. There used to be a lot of big animals in the park, too. South Sudan’s protected regions, such as Badingilo, have been profoundly affected by the ongoing armed war, which has also placed enormous strain on the country’s fauna and flora.

On 25 August 2022, the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and African Parks inked a 10-year agreement to safeguard the ecological, social, and economic sustainability of this internationally significant park. Expanding our portfolio to include South Sudan’s Badingilo and Boma National Parks brings the total number of parks under our control to 22 in 12 African countries.

The second-largest yearly animal migration in the world takes place in Bandingilo National Park, which is home to the Serengeti. Things, reedbuck, and white-eared kob are just a few of the antelope species that migrate during this time. African wild dogs, spotted hyenas, lions, cheetahs, caracals, and the famed Nubian giraffe are among the predators that call this park home.

During the rainy season, tiang, reedbuck, white-eared kob, and Mongalla gazelle gather in Badingilo to breed before heading east and north to Boma and Sudd National Parks, and even across the border to Gambella Park in Ethiopia. The migration of wildebeest in the Mara-Serengeti habitat is second only in size to these herds in terms of concentrations of large mammals on Earth.

Many different kinds of birds call the expansive marshes that make up Bandingilo National Park home. These marshes reach all the way to Jonglei state.

Things to Do in Bandingilo National Park

Game Drives

Going on a guided game drive is a great way to experience the park’s diverse wildlife up close. The Great Migration of the Serengeti is the largest yearly animal migration, but this national park is home to the second-largest. Many different kinds of antelope, including reedbucks and white-eared kobs, participate in this migration. The drive may also provide sightings of spotted hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, caracals, lions, and African wild dogs, among other wildlife.


The park is home to a wide variety of colorful and exotic birds, including the African blue flycatcher, the Abyssinian Ground hornbill, the African cuckoo hawk, the African grey hornbill, the African palm swift, the African pygmy kingfisher, the African jacana, and countless more.

Community tours

Spend time with natives to get a feel for their way of life. Traditional songs, dances, and poetry will be performed by these folks to keep you entertained. Hear tales passed down through generations and gain insight into their past. Discover the residents’ ingenuity in enduring harsh conditions and lend them a hand as they strive for a brighter future.

A tour at Bandingilo National Park, South Sudan

Best Time to Visit Bandingilo National Park

Bandingilo National Park is accessible all year round, although game watching is at its peak from June to September, when the dry season is in full swing. However, because to climate change, the dry season in South Sudan may move to November and December.

Interesting Facts About Bandingilo National Park

Close to the Ethiopian border lies Bandingilo National Park. The Baro and Akobo Rivers meet in the middle of this 10,000-square-kilometer expanse. Vast grasslands, ponds, and the unusual Bandingilo Hills—which reach an elevation of almost 1,500 meters—define the park’s landscape. The largest mammal migration on Earth is one of the main attractions of Bandingilo National Park.

Approximately one million white-eared kob antelopes make the annual journey from South Sudan’s expansive Sudd wetland region to Bandingilo National Park’s grasslands between the months of November and January. Travelers from all over the globe go to see the migration because it is so breathtaking. In addition to its massive scale, the movement is noteworthy because it is among the world’s very few surviving big migrations. The white-eared kob antelopes’ survival is similarly dependent on it; the IUCN has the species on its list of endangered or threatened species. Because it allows them to reach new areas of water and grazing, migration is an important aspect of the antelope life cycle.

Bandingilo National Park is well-known for an array of animals, not the least of which is the white-eared kob migration. In the park’s marshes, you can spot the secretive shoebill stork, one of more than 400 bird species. The park is home to a wide variety of animals, including zebras, elephants, giraffes, lions, and hyenas. Hippos, crocodiles, and many fish species call the park’s marshes home.

Geographically and geographically speaking, Bandingilo National Park is one of a kind and an interesting place to visit. A wide variety of animals rely on its expansive grasslands and wetlands for survival, as well as its location between the Baro and Akobo Rivers. An incredible spectacle and critical component of the antelopes’ survival, the world’s second-largest mammal migration is the reason for the park’s popularity.

Safety Trips to Visiting Bandingilo National Park

If you’re a fan of animals and the great outdoors, you must visit South Sudan’s Bandingilo National Park. Travelers should know a few things before they go to make sure they have a good time and don’t get hurt.

  • Entry requirements: Visitors to South Sudan are needed to have a valid passport and visa. Visitors should check with their local embassy or consulate to obtain the relevant documents before their travel.
  • Health and safety: Travelers to South Sudan should be cognizant of the potential dangers to their health and safety. Before traveling, it is advised that individuals get vaccinated against yellow fever, typhoid, and hepatitis A and B. Because malaria is so common in the area, tourists should also take measures to protect themselves.
  • Climate and weather: The climate at Bandingilo National Park is hot and dry for the majority of the year due to its semi-arid location. Tourists should pack light, breathable clothing, sunscreen, and hats to stay cool and protected from the sun. Visitors should also carry waterproof luggage and rain clothing in case it starts to rain while they are at the park.
  • Accommodations: From rustic campgrounds to posh hotels, the park offers it all to its guests. In order to secure a room, tourists should plan ahead, particularly during high season.
  • Wildlife viewing: Visitors to Bandingilo National Park can watch the white-eared kob migration, which takes place every year between November and January. Visitors should be aware of park rules and regulations and follow safety guidelines when viewing wildlife. It is recommended that visitors travel with a licensed guide or tour operator to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.