Gorilla Trekking Sectors in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

In Bwindi forest, trekkers can have incredible gorilla encounters along the four trails of Nkuringo, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Buhoma.

The Rift Valley is close to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda. A rain forest that dates back more than 25,000 years and contains about 400 plant species encircles its mist-covered hillsides, making it one of the most ecologically diverse areas in Uganda. Approximately 459 mountain gorillas, or nearly half of the world’s total, live in this “impenetrable jungle.” There are numerous habituated groups that can be observed within this sanctuary. Primate species like baboons and chimps, elephants, and antelopes are among the roughly 120 animal species that make this biologically diverse area home. There are more over 350 bird species in this forest, including 23 that are unique to the Albertine Rift. On a Uganda gorilla safari, guests can choose between four different sectors: Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo, and Rushaga—all located in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in the park’s southwestern corner.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park | The Ultimate Guide to Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla Trekking Sectors: The Guide

Verified and comprehensive information regarding each sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is required for the purpose of selecting the optimal sector for gorilla trekking. A tour of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park’s gorilla trekking sections is presented here;

1. Buhoma Sector

Among the four most outstanding gorilla trekking sectors in Uganda, the Buhoma sector is situated in the park’s northernmost section and should not be missed by anyone going on a gorilla trekking safari. As the first trailhead in Uganda, Buhoma sector is famous for mountain gorilla activity. Gorilla trekking trips in Bwindi Forest and Uganda were pioneered by the Buhoma gorilla sector in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The park welcomed the Mubare gorilla family as its first habituated gorilla group in 1993.


  • In Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda, gorilla trekking safaris often visit the Rushegura, Katwe, Mubare, Habinyanja, and Binyido families, who are well-known in the Buhoma region.
  • In contrast to other sectors, such as Rushaga, which requires over a ten-hour trip, the Buhoma sector is easily accessible from Entebbe and Kampala, with drives to the park taking about eight to nine hours.
  • Flying from Kajjansi or Entebbe International Airport to Buhoma can shorten the long travel if you’re not interested in driving to the area. Kihihi Airstrip in Bwindi National Park is accessible via chartered and scheduled flights from Bar Aviation and Aerolink; the flight duration varies between one and two hours. You can reach your lodge in the Buhoma sector by driving from Kihihi Airstrip.
  • If you are planning to combine a wildlife safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park with a gorilla trekking safari in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the Buhoma sector is the way to go.
  • The Katuna border is another way for tourists visiting Rwanda’s Kigali capital to reach the Buhoma district. If you are seeking a more budget-friendly gorilla safari alternative, it is feasible to go to Bwindi from Kigali for three days.
  • With scenic paths such as the River Ivy Trail, Rushura Hill Trail, Munyaga River Trail, and Muzabajiro Loop Trail, the Buhoma region is ideal for guided nature walks, hiking, and birding trips.
  • In contrast to other areas of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park that allow gorilla trekking, the Buhoma sector has a wider selection of accommodations. Here are just a handful of the many places to stay in the Buhoma sector: Buhoma Haven Lodge, Buhoma Community Rest Camp, Mahogany Springs, Bwindi Lodge, Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp, Engagi Lodge, Silverback Lodge, and Buhoma Lodge.


  • Booking your gorilla permit at least six months in advance is necessary because the Buhoma sector is always at capacity due to the strong demand from tourists visiting Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda for gorilla safaris.
  • Buhoma sector is located in the middle of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, which makes it an inconvenient choice for tourists traveling from Kigali, Rwanda, to do gorilla trekking.

2. Ruhija Gorilla Sector

To the east of Bwindi Forest National Park lies Ruhija Gorilla Sector. During your gorilla trekking safari in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, you get the opportunity to trek with four different gorilla families: Bitukura, Oruzogo, Kyaguliro, and Mukiza. This sector is located closest to Buhoma.


  • Because of its proximity to Kabale, the Ruhija sector is ideal for those who wish to visit Lake Bunyonyi after a gorilla hike.
  • If you’re looking for the most intimate gorilla trekking experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, go no farther than the Ruhija sector, which is also the most peaceful of the four.
  • Because of its closeness to Buhoma sector, tourists can spend the night there and then go gorilla trekking in Ruhija sector.
  • At just over 2,500 meters, Ruhija provides breathtaking views of forest ridge after forest ridge, stretching all the way to the Virunga mountains.
  • Starting from Ruhija sector, hikers and nature lovers can reach the 2,607-meter-high Rwamunyonyi peak, also called the “hill of many birds,” and enjoy breathtaking views as they acclimate to the bush. With its expansive wetland, Rwamunyi stands as the tallest and coldest peak in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.
  • Elephants are only found in the Ruhija sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Other animals include monkeys and antelopes.
  • If you are seeking a challenging gorilla trekking experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, one of the greatest sectors to visit is Ruhija, which is located at a high altitude.
  • From Kampala, it takes about 9 hours to reach Ruhija sector by car. To reach Ruhija from either Entebbe or Kampala, one must first travel to Kabale town. An alternate route takes two more hours to reach Ruhija and goes via Ntungamo, Rukungiri, Kihihi, and Butogota.
  • Other activities available to visitors in the Ruhija area include primate tracking, birding, guided forest walks and excursions, and tours of the Batwa settlement.
  • Aircraft departing from Entebbe or Kampala can land at Kihihi Airstrip, providing easy access to the Ruhija sector. Depending on the flight’s itinerary, domestic flights to Ruhija Park from either Bar Aviation or Aerolink can take anywhere from one to two hours.


  • Due to the scarcity of hotels in the Ruhija sector, guests have few alternatives for where to stay. Lodges such as Bakiga, Ruhija Gorilla Safari, Broadbill Forest Camp, and Gorilla Mist are available for accommodation in the Ruhija region.
  • It is not recommended that those who are not physically fit or ready for the hiking challenge undertake gorilla trekking in Ruhija area because of how tough it can be due to the high altitude.

3. Nkuringo Sector

Incredible as it may seem, one of the four main gorilla trekking sectors in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is the Nkuringo sector, which is situated in the park’s southern part. Tourists on gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda can have an unforgettable experience in the shockingly under-visited Nkuringo gorilla sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The Nkuringo gorilla group was the first gorilla family to establish a habituation in this area. There are two further habituated gorilla families in the Nkuringo sector: the Bushaho and the Christmas gorillas.


  • Popular attractions in Nkuringo sector include views of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Mount Nyiragongo and Mount Nyamuragira.
  • If you are planning a stopover at Lake Mutanda or Lake Mulehe in Kisoro, the Nkuringo section of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the way to go. Before or after a gorilla walk in the Nkuringo area, visitors can always take a boat trip on Lake Mulehe or Mutanda.
  • The topography in the Nkuringo sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is not as steep as in other sectors, making it an ideal choice for people who appreciate long climbs.
  • Travelers visiting Bwindi National Park from Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali can also have a fantastic gorilla trekking experience in the Nkuringo sector. Reason being, it just takes about five hours to reach the sector from the Kisoro district’s Cyanika boundary.
  • Combine your gorilla trekking with other activities in the Nkuringo area, such community visits, guided nature walks, or bird viewing.
  • Nkuringo can also be reached by taking a domestic aircraft from either Entebbe or Kampala to Kisoro Airstrip, followed by a two-hour drive. Flights between Kampala/Entebbe and Kisoro are offered domestically by Bar Aviation and Aerolink Uganda; the duration of the flights varies between one and two hours.


  • Gorilla hiking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park can be challenging, especially in the Nkuringo sector. Reason being, hiking in that region is incredibly difficult due to the rough terrain.
  • The Nkuringo sector gorilla families are located at high altitudes, which makes it difficult for tourists to reach the gorilla groups and, thus, makes gorilla trekking difficult for individuals who aren’t physically strong.
  • Tourists wishing to spend the night in Bwindi likewise have few lodging alternatives in the Nkuringo sector. Among the many places to stay in the Nkuringo sector are the following: Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge, Virunga Campsite, Lake Mulehe Gorilla Lodge, Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge, and Lake Mulehe Gorilla Lodge.

4. Rushaga Gorilla Sector

The southern section of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to Rushaga Gorilla Sector. It is adjacent to the Nkuringo area and situated in Kisoro District. Shongi, Bweza, Kahungye, Bikingi, Busingye, Mishaya, Mucunguzi, and Kutu are the eight gorilla families found in the Rushaga region of Bwindi Forest National Park. This area is a favorite among researchers since it’s the only one in Bwindi National Park where guests can participate in a gorilla habituation experience.


  • For those interested in gorilla trekking as well as gorilla habituation, the Rushaga area is the way to go.
  • Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park’s Rushaga section is the ideal option for individuals interested in a two-day gorilla safari from Kigali.
  • Out of all the gorilla trekking sectors in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the Rushaga sector boasts the highest number of habituated gorilla families.
  • From Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, the Rushaga area is easily accessible via Kisoro’s Cyanika border. It takes around four or five hours to drive from Kigali to Rushaga.
  • You can book domestic flights to the Rushaga sector with Bar Aviation or Aerolink Uganda. Guests flying into Kisoro Airstrip from Entebbe or Kampala can take a one- or two-hour drive to their Rushaga sector lodge.
  • Birdwatching, community tours, and guided nature hikes are just a few of the various activities that can be enjoyed in the Rushaga section of Bwindi National Park.
  • Lake Mutanda in Kisoro is a great place to take a boat trip if you’re visiting the Rushaga district.
  • The Rushaga sector is second only to the Buhoma sector in number of available rooms. There is a wide variety of places to stay in the Rushaga sector, including several lodges dedicated to the area’s gorillas: Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge, Four Heights Gorilla Lodge, Rushaga Gorilla Resort, Rushaga Gorilla Camp, and Rushaga Gorilla Safari Lodge.


  • Due to the lengthy trip (around 10–11 hours) required to reach the park, Rushaga section is inaccessible to visitors coming from Kampala or Entebbe.
  • The rugged landscape of the Rushaga district makes gorilla trekking a bit of a challenge.
  • Visitors may find it challenging to connect to other national parks, such as Kibale and Queen Elizabeth, due to its remote location in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Gorilla Trekking Sectors

Finally, your level of fitness and interest will determine which region of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is ideal for gorilla trekking. Nkuringo and Ruhija are the ideal sectors for gorilla trekking if you are seeking a more difficult encounter.

But if you’re looking for a less challenging gorilla trekking adventure, the Buhoma and Rushaga sectors are great choices. Also, from Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, the Rushaga area provides the greatest possibility for tourists interested in gorilla habituation and gorilla trekking.

Gorilla Trekking Bwindi National Park Uganda