An Exclusive Gorillas And Serengeti Itinerary At Price Break

In front of you are ten days Gorillas And Serengeti of incredible experiences, a camera, and a hunger for adventure. With your camera at the ready, you’ll travel across the colorful Serengeti and Uganda, capturing the natural wonders you see along the way: zebra stripes against a fiery sunset, a lion’s silent might during a hunt, and the stunning sight of mountain gorillas in their verdant habitat.

This Gorillas And Serengeti Itinerary for wildlife photography is about more than just watching. Witness the thunderous arrival of the wildebeest migration, get up close and personal with endangered mountain gorillas, and follow the tracks of the formidable Big Five. Travel around Tanzania and Uganda and immerse yourself in their vibrant cultures while meeting and learning from the Batwa.

Located on a green ridge with a jungle view, the Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge will be your home for three nights as you venture into Uganda’s rainforest sanctuary. As you follow the gentle giants on their excursions, you’ll be transported to the middle of a misty forest, where sunshine filters through the leaves. Here, your photographs will capture the unfiltered splendor of Africa’s wilds, going beyond simple images.

Insane Tanzania Safari (You Won’t Believe What We Saw!) – Serengeti


  • Accommodation in luxury lodges and meals as indicated in itinerary
  • 1 gorilla trekking permit ($800)
  • Park entrance fees
  • All excursions and activities as indicated in the itinerary under the supervision of a professional English-speaking birding guide.
  • Domestic flights and transfers between destinations
  • Ground transport and transfers in a 4×4 Custom Safari Landcruiser
  • Government taxes


  • Travel insurance
  • International flights
  • Visa fees and processing
  • Extra activities and meals not indicated in the itinerary
  • Extra luggage on domestic flights
  • Service tips, gratuities, souvenirs, and snacks
  • Accommodation after the end of the trip

Detailed Itinerary: Gorillas And Serengeti Tour

Day 1: Arrive in Arusha, Tanzania

As you disembark from the aircraft at Kilimanjaro International Airport, a hint of anticipation fills the air. You’re prepared to witness the extraordinary variety of Tanzanian scenery and wildlife. As you exit the airport, you can feel the warm embrace of the African breeze on your skin, and it seems as though it whispers secrets of the adventures that await you. With a smile on their face, your hosts are prepared to be your guides throughout your Gorillas And Serengeti tour Itinerary.

Arusha, a lively city that offers a true experience of Tanzanian life, is passed through on the way to your hotel. Indulging in it all brings a blend of exhilaration and expectation. The hotel, a tranquil retreat, is at last within reach. It is time to relax, stretch, and maybe even have something to drink before the real adventure begins. Get ready for an unforgettable gorilla and Serengeti safari, along with stunning landscapes in Tanzania and Uganda, fascinating local cultures, and experiences that will stay with you forever.

Day 2: Fly Arusha to Serengeti National Park

The Truth About a Serengeti Safari (5 Things You Should Know)

An air of awe will greet you as you start your first full day in Africa. It’s from Arusha that you’ll take a little plane into the Serengeti. Upon descending, you will be treated to a spectacular view of the Ngorongoro Crater’s enormous bowl, Lake Manyara, with its glistening blue waters. A yearning to discover every inch of this breathtaking terrain may even be aroused (but hey, there’s always room for a detour!).

You have plenty of time to take in the scenery as the jet hums along. From this vantage point, the mysteries of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area become apparent. Wildebeest and zebra herds move across the plains like a gigantic tapestry. A lioness or an elephant bull, or even just a lion, might sneak up on you. An ideal setting for photographers, this is unspoiled Africa at its most stunning.

Accommodation (3 Nights): Serengeti Sopa Lodge

Day 3: Explore The Big Game of Serengeti National Park

An aroma of dew-kissed grass and a tinge of wood smoke wafts through the air as the first rays of morning break over the African plains. As the sun rises and paints the sky with flaming golds, the anticipation of the day fills the air, setting the tone for a satisfying meal. You will make the most of the photographer’s golden hour on your early morning game drive, when the light is soft and the shadows are lengthy.

All around you, the Serengeti comes alive. The morning wind rustles the zebras’ stripes as they graze calmly, while a lioness yawns, showing her shiny teeth. With every press of the shutter button, you record a fragment of our planet, a brief instance of the magnificent architecture of nature. The classic dance of predators and prey, with their pulse-pounding thrills and swirling dust, may even be visible if you’re fortunate.

Great herds of zebra and wildebeest start their epic trek towards the Mara to the north, where a quiet drama is unfolding. Here we feel the wild heartbeat, the never-ending rebirth and resuscitation cycle. On your adventure, you’ll reach breathtaking lookouts from which you can capture those moving moments set against the backdrop of the savannah’s expansive landscape. The day’s exploits are immortalized on film and in your heart forever as the sun sets below the horizon, painting the landscape in a crimson light.

Day 4: Northern Serengeti Marvels

A morning game drive, sure to provide picture-perfect moments, kicks off the day. Heading north towards the Mara River, there’s an air of expectation as you set out, a feeling that something remarkable is about to happen. If you’re fortunate, you’ll be able to see the wildebeest migration in action here, including the spectacular river crossing.

Just picture the mayhem that ensued during the crossing: whirling dust, desperate dives into waterways rife with crocodiles. The scene is absolutely breathtaking, making it ideal for captivating wildlife photography that conveys a profound narrative.

An opulent tented camp, a sanctuary of comfort in the middle of the forest, will serve as your home for five wonderful evenings.

We suggest staying for a minimum of two nights to allow enough time to go on game drives every morning and evening, armed with your camera.

Photographic opportunities abound in this area, from close-ups of grazing animals to encounters with large cats. As night comes on your final night, the glimmer of the campfire and a last meal under the stars will create a fitting backdrop to remember your voyage by.

Day 5: Farewell Serengeti, and Welcome To Entebbe

In a whirlwind of travel on Day 5, you’ll return to Arusha from the expansive Serengeti plains via quick flight, then hop over the border to the warmly welcomed Entebbe International Airport. Your photographic journey will enter a new phase once you have checked into your accommodation.

You can get some fresh air and see what the area has to offer this afternoon. While a visit to a busy market offers a bright palette of colors and textures for your lens, a stroll through Entebbe’s peaceful neighborhoods offers an opportunity to capture the laid-back pace of Ugandan life. Taking pictures of the exotic plants and birds that inhabit the verdant botanical gardens presents a new type of photographic challenge. You can improve your skills and get ready for the amazing wildlife experiences that Uganda has to offer at any moment.

Accommodation (2 nights): Papyrus Guesthouse Entebbe
Or these other hotel options in Entebbe

Day 6: The Shoebill Encounter in Mabamba Swamps

Birding Uganda – Shoebill in Mabamba Swamp

In the stillness of the early morning, you can make mental preparations for a day that will be unlike any other in Entebbe. Feelings of excitement well up in your chest because today you will learn all about the shoebill stork, an extraordinary and fascinating bird that seems like it came straight out of a prehistoric encyclopedia. You will go for the verdant Mabamba Swamp, a haven on the edge of Lake Victoria, armed with your photographic equipment.

With its labyrinth of papyrus reeds and rivers filled with feathery marvels, Mabamba is a sanctuary for wildlife. However, the shoebill is the most appealing part. This bird is a sight to behold, what with its enormous beak, intense stare, and statuesque calm. Be on the lookout for your boat’s distinctive appearance as it sails through the channels. Envision the excitement of spotting a shoebill calmly hunting fish in the shallows, its feathers mottled in the dawn light. Take advantage of this opportunity to immortalize a remarkable bird.

Beyond its famous inhabitant, Mabamba is significant. A wide variety of birds, from flamboyant kingfishers to magnificent African fish eagles, call the marsh home. Documenting this feathered paradise, which is home to some of Uganda’s most endangered bird species, will put your camera to good use.

Day 7: Journey to Bwindi’s Mystique Landscapes

Heading towards the airstrip close to Entebbe, you can see the morning sun peeking over the horizon. Located in the southern part of the country, Kisoro is easily accessible by plane. It lies beneath the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. In the western Ugandan hills, you will find your Gorillas & Serengeti safari driver, who is prepared to take you on a challenging 4×4 trip.

But first, a stop at Kisoro town for a little break—a chance to relax, stretch, and have some coffee—the ideal pre-exploration nourishment. Here you can select the equipment you’ll need for a one-of-a-kind photographic tour of nearby towns. Envision yourself able to record the vivacity of ordinary life, the joy on children’s faces, the sights and sounds of houses and marketplaces—a window into a universe quite different from your own.

After that, you’ll go on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure across Lake Mutanda with a local fisherman. He will lead you on a leisurely paddle through a classic dugout boat. The verdant islands and mist-covered mountains provide for breathtaking picture backgrounds, and every view captures the tranquility of this unspoiled region.

The Lake Mutanda Resort serves a visually and gustatorily spectacular lunch. Enjoy the breathtaking views of the lake as you savor the delectable cuisine of Uganda. Your driver will be waiting for you when you arrive at the Nkuringo Gorilla Lodge, where you will spend the next several nights. Either remain put or take a picturesque 45-minute drive through the countryside, winding up to the breathtaking clifftop site of the resort.

Accommodation (3 Nights): Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge – luxury safari lodge with excellent mountain and forest views. Or these serene gorilla lodges in Bwindi

Day 8: The Gorilla Trekking Experience in Bwindi Forest

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park | The Ultimate Guide to Gorilla Trekking

The gorilla trekking experience is going to be the highlight of your Gorillas and Serengeti vacation, so brace yourself. As you trek through the thick Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, you’ll be climbing high slopes, so those workouts at the gym will be worthwhile. In what time frame can we expect to locate the gorillas? The difficulty is half the fun, so it might be anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours!

An early morning briefing at the tourist center is scheduled for 7:30 in the morning. You may verify your permission and learn all the important information about hiking safety here. Next, you’ll be sorted into groups of eight, and the excitement will begin to mount. There will be an expert tracker and two armed rangers to lead each group.

The tracker will lead you into the thick jungle, and you’ll need to bring a machete and a walkie-talkie to keep in touch with other parties. Aside from the tangled vines, damp dirt, and dappled light seeping through the leaves, there are no trails here. Gorilla pictures, though, will take center stage, so now is the time to put your camera’s low-light skills to the test!

You’ll only have an hour to spend with the gorillas, but that time will seem like an eternity. Everything about these incredible creatures—their power, their scents, and the sounds they make—can be fully experienced here. Photographing is difficult, but the payoff is worth it! You can spend an additional four hours in the company of gorillas during the Gorilla Habituation Experience if you’d like. Alternatively, there is a completely habituated family that provides a less strenuous option for those who prefer a more leisurely hike.

At long last, you will emerge from the gorilla bush at about 1:30 in the afternoon, elated and perhaps a little dirty. You can spend the remainder of the afternoon at the lodge, where you can unwind, reflect on your amazing adventure, and take in the breathtaking view. You will always remember this day.

Day 9: Batwa Cultural Immersion

Following the strenuous gorilla walk, today is an opportunity to relax and enjoy the peaceful resort. Savor a leisurely breakfast while you surrender to the tranquility of the morning. Take your time, unwind, and rejuvenate before continuing your journey.

A profoundly touching cultural experience with the Batwa tribe awaits you as the afternoon sun lays long shadows. They provide an intriguing window into a different culture through their long-standing customs and ties to the forest. Remember to always have your camera ready to capture meaningful portraits, joyful moments, and moments of connection. These photographs will enhance your photography trip with their depth and richness.

However, the most spectacular parts of the day are still to come. Your journey to a soccer field atop a mountain 7,000 feet in the air will culminate in a breathtaking view as the sun sets. Below you, the world opens up: the Virunga Volcanoes cut through the sky, the thick forest of Bwindi spreads out to the horizon, and the faraway Rwenzori Mountains disappear into the mist.

Get ready to become an expert landscape photographer. It is both a challenge and a photographer’s dream: dramatic clouds, fluctuating light, and the immensity of the scene. As the sun sets and the sky turns a kaleidoscope of colors, you will be captivated by the beauty of this location, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Day 10: Farewell to Uganda and Tanzania

Enjoy your last full breakfast at the lodge as your amazing Gorillas and Serengeti Itinerary comes to a close. The incredible adventures and breathtaking scenery of the last several days must come to an end.

The picturesque drive to the Kihihi Airstrip is more than just a trip; it’s an opportunity to reflect on everything you’ve experienced. A poignant montage of recollections—the excitement of seeing lions on the grassland, the wonder of seeing a family of gorillas, and the hospitality of the Ugandan people—forms along the 130 kilometers. Your aircraft to Entebbe departs at 2:30 pm, and you make it to the airstrip just in time for the bittersweet departure.

This beautiful African odyssey comes to a peaceful close. A tranquil retreat to relax in and swap travel tales with other guests awaits you in a lovely farm property in Entebbe. Relax on the porch and think about everything that has happened today as the sun goes down and the stars come out.

A little of this adventure will remain with you always, even though your flight home is waiting. The memories you’ve made, the images you’ve taken, and the friendships you’ve formed are the true treasures of a journey like this; they will always remind you of the incredible things you saw in Africa and how much of an impact adventure can have on our lives.

End of the 10 Days Gorillas And Serengeti Itinerary