Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park & Permit Cost: Everything to Know

All About Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park & Permit Cost- Gorilla trekking is only available in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. The parks of Mgahinga in Uganda and Virunga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo surround this one, which is located in northwest Rwanda. The Belgian Colonial Authorities assumed management of this park in 1925, making it one of the earliest gazette National Parks in Africa.

Dian Fossey, an American primatologist, established the Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda in 1967. As a result of her unwavering support for the mountain gorillas, she encountered widespread hostility from the community. Because of this, she was brutally murdered in 1985.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda (Unforgettable)

About Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Dian Fossey is widely credited as the pioneer of the modern gorilla trekking expedition. After the census in the 1980s, she alerted the world to the situation of the mountain gorilla, which was in danger of extinction. The study found that by that time, there were less than 250 mountain gorillas left in the wild.

The conservation of mountain gorillas necessitated financial backing. In order for people to appreciate the mountain gorillas, they needed a closer encounter with them. Supporting this worthy cause may include going on a gorilla hike, but only after the animals had been habituated to humans. Habituation of wild mountain gorillas to human presence is the goal of this technique.

Depending on how rapidly the mountain gorillas adjust to the presence of women, the habituation process can take anywhere from two years to more. Gorilla-viewing tours had to be put on hold when Rwanda became a frontline in the genocide that broke out in 1994. About 12 gorilla families are available for viewing by visitors at Volcanoes National Park right now.

How To Book Gorilla Trekking Permits in Volcanoes National Park

  • Plan your trip to Volcanoes National Park Rwanda so that you can see the mountain gorillas and obtain the necessary permits at the right time. In Volcanoes National Park, gorilla trekking is an activity that can be repeated.
  • If you want to book a safari in Rwanda, you can do so through a reputable company like Kabira Gorilla Safaris or the Rwanda Development Board. It is the responsibility of our safari consultant to check the Rwanda Development Board’s permit listing for the availability of gorilla permits.
  • If they are in stock, we ask that you get them as soon as possible because they sell out quickly. First-come, first-served is the rule when it comes to securing one. Only 8 gorilla trekking permits per gorilla family per day are made available to the public, despite the high demand.
  • We will need information such as your full names as they appear on your passport, your nationality, your date of birth, and the expiration date of your passport later on.

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Permit Cost

Permits for Rwanda’s gorilla treks cost $1500 for non-residents, $500 for natives, and $200 for East Africans.
The cost includes: Park fees, Ranger guide fees, Security, Gorilla conservation support, Local community support, One hour with the mountain gorillas. The price of a Rwanda gorilla permit does not include meals, beverages, transportation, or souvenirs of any kind.

Can I Purchase A Gorilla permits in Installments

The Rwanda gorilla permit can be purchased in installments if they are made at least 90 days before the planned trekking date. The Rwanda Development Board accepts 30% down and 70% down payment options for the gorilla permit. The gorilla permit fee must be paid in full no later than 90 days before your scheduled trip date.

Note: As Kabira Gorilla Safaris we recommend full gorilla trekking permit payment and pay the trip expenses in installments.

Is the Cost Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park Worth

Although $1500 per person may seem quite a lot for a gorilla trekking permit in Rwanda, every moment spent in the company of the mountain gorillas is priceless.

In addition to spending an unforgettable hour with the last remaining mountain gorillas, you’ll also get to watch them enjoy themselves in their natural habitat.

You help protect the critically endangered mountain gorillas of East Africa. The mountain gorilla is one of our closest animal relatives, sharing around 96% of our own DNA. You’re helping the local community indirectly by purchasing gorilla licenses in Rwanda; roughly 10% of the annual money is distributed back to the local community to fund their projects. Because of the high expense of the International Visit Rwanda campaign, your purchase of a gorilla permit may help fund it.

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safari Cost

Prices for safaris in Rwanda that include gorilla tracking range from opulent to moderate to frugal. The price of the gorilla permit is the sole fixed expense shared by all packages.

The gorilla trekking package also includes the following extras:

The group size that will be going on your gorilla expedition. The price per person for a gorilla trip decreases as more people sign up to go. Costs for the safari’s fuel, food, and even the driver’s tips can be split among the group. When to plan your gorilla trekking safari in Rwanda, keeping in mind that high season means high prices but low season means discounts from some tour operators. The price of a safari in Rwanda depends on how long you plan to stay there.

There are other things to do in Rwanda besides go gorilla trekking on a safari. Akagera National Park in Rwanda is where you may see gorillas, chimpanzees, golden monkeys, and other primates on a safari.