Worst/Best Time to Visit Victoria Falls Month By Month Guide

To witness the world’s largest sheet of cascading water flowing at its highest volume, Victoria Falls is at its most spectacular between the months of February and May, just after the summer rains have ended. An issue with going to Victoria Falls is that the best time to see the spray isn’t during the height of safari season in neighboring Chobe National Park in Botswana or Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. When the water is at its swiftest and tallest, it’s also not a good idea to swim in Devil’s Pool or run particular parts of white-water rapids.

When the dry winter season ends in October and November, the water level is at its lowest and the weather is hot and humid, therefore it’s not a good time to visit the Falls. During the low water season, you can be sure to see the entire Falls without any mist, but on the Zambian side, which is roughly a fourth of the breadth, the water can have dried up and all that’s left is the exposed rock. On the Zimbabwean side, the water flow is constant, albeit the volume fluctuates according to the wet season.

Victoria Falls – Mosi-oa-Tunya, Zambia & Zimbabwe

Month By Month Guide For Travelling To Victoria Falls:

Visiting Victoria Falls From January To March

January is the height of summer but it’s still low-water season. It’s not the best time to see Victoria Falls, but the Zambezi River will have begun to rise from all the summer rainfall. January offers great discounted travel deals because it’s not quite peak season yet. It’s the ideal time for white-water rafting and enjoying luxury Victoria Falls lodges.

Visiting Victoria Falls can be a sensory overload: the noise, heat and moisture come together in an unforgettable natural showstopper. February is the best time to see Victoria Falls if you want to view this famous landmark at full capacity with the Zambezi River plummeting down into the gorges below. February to May is not the best time to make the most of the Fall’s close proximity to its neighbour, Botswana, one of Africa’s legendary Big 5 safari destinations, unless you don’t mind travelling in the wetter Green Season.

Victoria Falls is roughly twice the height of North America’s Niagara Falls, and the thunderous roar can be heard for miles around. In March, the falls will be flowing at full capacity, and you can expect hot, misty and thunderous afternoons. White-water rafting and other adventure sports continue on the Zambezi River, but rafters must be on alert as the high-water levels provide terrifying conditions even for experienced adrenalin enthusiasts.

Travelling To Victoria Falls From April To June

April marks the conclusion of the summer wet season and the beginning of the mild winter, when temperatures do decrease slightly. When visiting Victoria Falls, this is a great time to go. Even when viewed from ground level, the Falls can be obscured by the strong spray and mist they produce; a helicopter tour offers a better view.

When the dry winter season begins in May at Vic Falls, the temperature can drop dramatically. The winter months are ideal for visiting Victoria Falls because of the milder weather and the lack of heat and rain.

Between June and August, during the dry winter months, is the ideal time to combine a trip to Victoria Falls with a safari along the Chobe River. Days will be warm and evenings will be cold, with little to no rain and lots of water still rushing over the precipice. You can also expect fantastic wildlife viewing.

Visiting Victoria Falls From July To September

Even though the Zambezi isn’t as full in July due to the dry season, the weather is mild during the day, making it the ideal time to visit Victoria Falls for excellent views and pleasant weather. The world-famous lunar rainbow also makes its breathtaking appearance in July.

While July is noticeably colder, August is a little warmer and another dry month at Vic Falls. Additionally, white-water rafting is at its best in August, and the world-famous Devils Pool typically opens towards the month’s end.

Although it is considered the beginning of spring, September is still considered part of the dry season. So far, the weather has been ideal, as there has been no precipitation. One of the nicest times to go to Victoria Falls is in September. Bear in mind that the waterfall will be drier the later you arrive, but it’s not too hot and the national park offers wonderful wildlife viewing.

Travelling To Victoria Falls From October To December

Temperatures reach their peak in October. Just before November, the Zambezi begins to run extremely low due to the lack of rain over the previous several months. Since the Victoria Falls are at their lowest point at this time of year, it is not thought of as the ideal time to visit.

Although the first spring rains often arrive in November, it takes some time for the water from the Angolan Highlands to reach the Falls’ series of enormous canyons, marking the beginning of the Green Season. The arrival of migrating bird species signals the beginning of the birdwatching season in the area, making this a perfect time for birding.

While December isn’t quite as hot as November, it’s still quite warm overall, and thunderstorms are a daily occurrence because it’s the second wettest month of the year. All that rain has caused the plants to finally sprout. In December, you may go white-water rafting on the rapids for the last time, and birdwatching is at its best.

Best Victoria Falls Tours, Trips, Excursions & Safaris

When the amount of water falling from a great height is considered, Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world. Standing tall and proud as one of Africa’s most famous landmarks, Mosi-oa-Tunya (meaning “the Smoke that Thunders” in its traditional name) is a natural wonder and one of the seven wonders of the world.

This region is well-known as Africa’s Adventure Capital for good reason: visitors may go white-water rafting or canoeing, fly a microlight or helicopter over the Falls, or bungee jump from a historic bridge, all while getting their heart pounding.

Many exciting safaris conclude with a visit to Victoria Falls, which is conveniently located among other prominent African attractions.

Depending on your interests and needs, we have compiled a list of the best Victoria Falls trips that incorporate safaris: