Uganda Chimpanzee Trekking Permits – Everything to Know

Booking chimpanzee trekking permits in Uganda – all you need to know about booking chimpanzee trekking permits in Kibale National Park – assured chimpanzee permits in Uganda.

Booking chimpanzee trekking permits in Uganda – chimpanzee trekking offers an awful wilderness safari experience, just like the famous mountain gorilla trekking in the country. Chimpanzee is thought infamous compared to mountain gorilla trekking despite its fantastic safari experience. The country is home to a remarkable number of chimpanzees in Kibale Forest National Park, Kalinzu Forest reserve in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kyambura gorge in Queen Elizabeth, and Budongo Forest in Murchison Falls National Park. Obtain your chimpanzee tracking permit today, contact Kabira Gorilla Safaris, and have your chimpanzee tracking safari well planned for an unbeatable safari experience in the country. We genuinely work on our clients with transparency and guarantee instant communication to keep our dear clients well updated.

What is Chimpanzee Trekking?

Are you wondering what Chimpanzee Tracking is? The chimpanzee tracking safari involves the art of taking a stroll through the forests in order for one to be able to catch a glimpse of the fascinating primates the swing around the forest branches.

Booking chimpanzee permits with Uganda wildlife authority – Guaranteed chimpanzee tracking permits

For a successful chimpanzee trekking safari experience, Kabira Gorilla safaris recommend its clients to provide the information basically on what they prefer for example which parks they are interested in, which date are they expecting to travel, among other details.  These information will help us check for the availability of the permits on those preferred dates we will contact Uganda wildlife authority and if there is still availability of the permits, we will get back to you so that you will proceed and make payments for the permits and when pay met is received, then we will book the permits for you according to those preferred dates of your travel.

Uganda is among the top counties in Africa having a lot of primate safaris, travellers and chimp trekking can be combine together with other popular activities like gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga National Park, site seeing and wildlife viewing in various national parks in Uganda including, queen Elizabeth, Murchison fall national park, Kidepo valley National park, Lake Mburo and many others. Dwell in the Pearl of Africa’s pristine forest and create wilderness safari memories.

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary
Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

How much are chimpanzee trekking permits in Uganda?

Are you wondering how you will get your Chimpanzee tracking permit and how much it may cost? Kabira Safaris will avail all the necessary information for you to acquire the permit. Permit prices differ for all national parks, for Kibale chimpanzee trekking, the permit price goes for $150 per permit and person trekking, Budongo forest chimpanzee permits go for $90 per permit, Kyambura gorge permits cost $50 per permit, there are no discounts offered on permits the permit price remains the same throughout bit during low or high season the prices do not change. Contact Kabira Gorilla Safaris and we will help secure the permits for you in advance before your trekking date.

All you need to know about chimpanzee trekking and chimpanzee permit booking

Kabira Safaris will provide you with the necessary information about Chimpanzee tracking before you booking your chimp permits and embark on your Chimpanzee tracking adventure. The most relevant information before booking your safari is age and the age required for chimp and gorilla trekking in Uganda is 15 years and above any person below that is regarded as a child and he/ she is not fit to trek the chimpanzee.