Volcanoes National Park Rwanda Activities: Best Things to Do & See

Volcanoes National Park Rwanda Activities: Best Things to Do & See in Volcanoes National Park Rwanda. Many people believe that gorilla trekking is best experienced in Volcanoes National Park. This is due to the fact that it is less dangerous than the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has more accustomed troops than Mgahinga, and is more accessible than Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

Dian Fossey established the Karisoke Research Center in 1967 so that people might learn more about gorillas. It was here that the primatologist, who was killed in 1985, published her groundbreaking book “Gorillas in the Mist.” You can pay your respects at the grave of the late, famous primatologist and then visit the facility, where interactive displays provide insight into the ongoing work of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.

How Rwanda is Expanding its Volcanoes National Park and Mountain Gorillas Habitat

Things to Do in Volcanoes National Park Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park Rwanda is home to a wide variety of plant communities, including a montane rainforest, evergreen and bamboo forests, marshes, heaths, and open grassland. There are two armies of golden monkeys who have made the area their home because of the diversity of environments. The Kinigi base is the starting point for daily expeditions to see the golden monkeys. In addition to forest elephants and buffalo, bush pigs, forest hogs, and black-fronted duikers may also be spotted in the park. More than 200 different bird species have been spotted in the national park. Rwenzori turacos, Shelley’s crimsonwings, and Grauer’s broadbills are just a few of the Albertine Rift endemics that may be found there.

Hiking, canoeing, and mountain biking are a few of the additional things to do in the Volcanoes National Park Rwanda. Activities abound in the village, such as shopping for handicrafts at bustling markets or watching traditional Intore warrior dancers perform in elaborate headdresses and costumes. Take a guided tour of Buhanga Eco Park to learn more about the region’s folklore. This 31-hectare forest is revered as a holy site where Rwanda’s former monarchs underwent initiation ceremonies and other rites of passage into the role of king. The 62-million-year-old Musanze Caves system, which consists of a mile of underground caves, is another fascinating attraction.

The Best Activities in Volcanoes National Park Rwanda

Gorilla Trekking

The search for mountain gorillas is one of the most popular things to do in Volcanoes National Park, and the tracking takes place every day. After a briefing at the park headquarters in the morning, visitors set out into the forest to look for the endangered animals. Each day, 96 people are given the opportunity to track 12 habituated gorilla groups at Volcanoes National Park. A gorilla permit, available through the Rwanda Development Board or Kabira Gorilla Safaris at a cost of $1,500 per person each trek, is required in order to go on a mountain gorilla tracking expedition. Tracking a specific family of gorillas requires a team of eight individuals.

Golden Monkey Tracking

It is one of the best sites in the world, second only to Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, to embark on a golden monkey tracking expedition in Volcanoes National Park. Permits to monitor golden monkeys cost USD100 per person, every expedition, and tracking begins every morning with a maximum of 16 people per golden monkey family.

Visiting Dian Fossey Tomb

Hiking to the tomb of fallen hero Dian Fossey, who gave her life to protect the endangered mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, is an extraordinary and emotional experience. The house where Dian Fossey was killed in 1985 is located at the Tomb, as is the spot where she was laid to rest close to Digit and other mountain gorillas that perished around the same time from poachers or other causes.

Visiting the twin lakes of Bulera and Buhondo

These stunning twin lakes are near to Volcanoes National Park, and a trip on one of them will allow you to spot a variety of birds and locals going about their daily lives. The locals who are in charge of this voyage will also give you a history lesson on Rwanda and the twin lakes of Bulera and Buhondo.

Bird watching

With over 200 different bird species, including some Albertine endemics, Volcanoes National Park is a top spot for birdwatchers visiting Rwanda. When tracking primates like gorillas or golden monkeys, your guide may stop so that you can spit some birds.

Visiting Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village

You can experience traditional Rwandan dances and eat delicious Rwandan cuisine while learning about the country’s rich cultural history. You can also purchase mementos that honor the Rwandan people and their history.

Research and Study

Karisoke research Camp serves as the administrative center for all research and study conducted within Volcanoes National Park. You can increase your knowledge of the flora, fauna, and primates of Volcanoes National Park as a result of this. More information about Dian Fossey, who did so much to protect the mountain gorillas of the Virunag ranges, will also be provided.


The Musanze caverns are an additional attraction that should be on your agenda for Volcanoes National Park. Professional guides will take you inside the caves and explain their history, as well as other interesting tidbits about Rwanda.

Why book with Kabira Gorilla Safaris your visit to Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

If you are interested in a safari to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, contact us at Kabira Gorilla Safaris and we will be happy to help you organize and book your trip. In addition to securing your gorilla permits, we also provide a variety of Rwanda gorilla trekking safari packages to suit your needs and budget. Check out our Tripadvisor page for comments from our satisfied customers. When you go with us, your safari in Uganda will be one you’ll never forget. We are committed to going above and above for each of our clients. If you have any queries about your safari, our team of expert tour coordinators is here to help. Our gorilla tours in Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are without peer.