A Comprehensive Guide to Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi, Personal Experience, Worth Every Cent

The Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi, Personal Experience, Worth Every Cent – Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park – Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the most popular gorilla trekking destination in Uganda. Within the dense thicket, 18 families of Mountain Gorilla roam. Gorilla trekking is hard work, but the rewards are immense. Adult Gorilla photographed by the habituation team. Complete Guide to planning your Gorilla trekking safari to Bwindi – our full guide on planning your gorilla trekking safari to Uganda’s Bwindi will equip you with the best knowledge required for a successful gorilla trekking safari. Here is all you need to know before booking your gorilla trekking safari to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

MOUNTAIN GORILLAS in Uganda! Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mount Sabyinyo

A Story About Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Forest National Park

BUCKET LIST TRIP: Gorilla Trekking in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

We were waiting for our guide’s briefing in the center of the Bwindi impenetrable forest while wearing backpacks, walking sticks, hiking shoes, and long sleeve shirts. This was a portion of a longer Uganda safari during which we also went on a wildlife safari in the Murchison Falls National Park, went chimpanzee trekking in Kibale National Park, went rhino trekking in the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, went on game drives in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, and saw tree-climbing lions in Ishasha. The gorilla trekking in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park was the highlight of our tour of Uganda.

In a combination of fear and anticipation, our hearts were pounding beneath our garments. The atmosphere before our gorilla trekking adventure was one of a few hands shaking as they laced their shoes, apprehensive chit-chat here and there, and pure exhilaration for others. In order to help us through a brief orientation, our guide’s voice cut through our anxious feelings. We were not to maintain eye contact with our evolutionary relatives because doing so would be provocative to them. The guide instructed our group to move in a single file and to maintain a minimum distance of seven meters from the gorillas. Any interaction with them was forbidden since our germs could readily spread to them and cause disease.

Our guide said we had between four and six hours to locate the gorillas. We began the hike by focusing on the task at hand. The route was evident at first, but with time we strayed from it since gorillas don’t always move in a way that can be traced by a well-defined footpath. Walking and clearing bushes out of the road at the same time became a larger portion of our trek. One had to walk carefully while taking in the lush, verdant surroundings. Every branch I had to remove to make room for me served as a persistent reminder that I had abandoned the ease of enjoying Uganda’s wildlife.

We walked in silence since it’s best to appreciate nature’s kindness in meditative solitude. Some people did it out of worry, as a means to honor the immense beauty we were passing through while trekking, or simply out of a desperate need to conserve their air for the arduous hours ahead of us. The thing was there! A gorilla attacked us instead of the forest or the wild pigs we had been warned about, the mountain elephant, or the buffalo! We saw it in five minutes! I attempted to hold back a squeal at how large it was and how intently focused it was on us, little invaders. Although we had been warned about making prolonged eye contact, these weren’t eyes.

Gorilla hikers occasionally locate the gorillas after an arduous hour of hiking because they have strayed far in search of food. I had hoped that I wouldn’t go through that despite dripping sweat and extremely tiredness. In my opinion, this was the luckiest expedition ever! A few panting bodies had been revived by our first encounter and were now ready to carry on and locate more. The Silverback, the goal of every gorilla trekker, was our next discovery. He sat in majesty and grandeur, but his gaze was kind, even maternal. I turned my attention to the juvenile gorillas nearby who had been engaged in what appeared to be a sibling quarrel prior to our arrival. They were so excited they were rolling over each other as they ran into the woodland. Among the

I had memories of my youth as I observed them going about their daily lives through the network of shrubs. We frequently peered through our neighbors’ windows to see what they had for breakfast or to determine when our playmate would join us for our morning game of hide and seek. We frequently received a paddling for violating our neighbors’ right to privacy, however, how frequently we did it. Was I violating the privacy of this family? Regardless of whether I was, I hoped they would be gracious enough to let us snoop on their perfect family harmony for a little while longer.

These are some things to think about before going gorilla trekking, in my experience.

Get a gorilla trekking permit from your tour operator, and wear water-resistant hiking shoes if possible because some of the trails are muddy and it often rains. Wear long sleeves and long pants to prevent getting cut by the foliage, carry an umbrella in case of rain, use insect repellant, and pay attention to your guide. The minimum age for gorilla trekking is 15 years old. If you cannot go through Bwindi Impenetrable Forest due to a physical disability, stretchers carried by porters are available for a price; tips depending on the service are allowed.

Plan your Gorilla Trekking Safari to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Are you interested in a gorilla trekking safari to Bwindi, Kabira safaris is a genuine tour and travel company that will help you plan your safari to Bwindi with guaranteed gorilla sightings and permits.

Why Visit Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is a must-include in your bucket list when planning your safari to Africa. The National Park has a variety to offer to its visitors with lots to see and several activities to do within the park. The National Park is famous for Gorilla trekking and is perhaps the top highlight of the activities to do while here.  The majestic primates in Bwindi are truly thrilling to watch in their natural habitats with their young ones.

How do I get to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park?

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is accessible on land and can be reached from Queen Elizabeth National Park to the north (2-3 hours), from Kabale to the south (1-2 hours), or from Kampala via Mbarara (6-8 hours). The roads meet at Butogota, 17km from the Buhoma entrance gate.

How to book Bwindi Gorilla Permit

Booking a gorilla safari to Bwindi impenetrable National Park means you will need Bwindi- gorilla permits that are booked or sold at the Uganda wildlife Authority. For any visitor to be able to access the Bwindi Gorillas require a gorilla permit or pass and you will be glad to dwell in the impenetrable forest and watch the large primates, Mountain Gorillas for a full hour. We hereby help you check the availability of Bwindi gorilla permits and can also reserve them for you if interested.

Bwindi Gorilla Permits cost USD700 FOR NON-FOREIGN RESIDENTS and UGX250,000 for East Africa citizens of Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, and South Sudan. The gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park can only be done after booking Bwindi Gorilla Permits that are paid for at the Uganda wildlife Authority. Kabira Gorilla Safaris offer an all-around gorilla safari package for you with all gorilla permits inclusive.