Exclusive South Sudan Safaris, Tours And Packages + Guide

Adventurers looking to see remote tribal communities in South Sudan should book one of our tours. Photographers from over the globe dream of finding the most remote roads to Africa’s most traditional tribes in order to capture its breathtaking horned white bulls, scar tribal people, Mundari cattle camps, and Toposa communities. Despite being the newest country in Africa, South Sudan has not yet attracted any tourists.

Traveling on a South Sudan tribal tour will give you a glimpse into the way of life of the indigenous peoples who have lived in the region’s jungles for generations. In addition to visiting places like Sudd Swamp, you will have the opportunity to meet members of the Mundari, Dinka, Toposa, and Larim tribes, among many others.

Visit one of the world’s newest and least well-known countries on a South Sudan Tour, where modern tourism meets the ancient traditions of a people in a way that is both surprising and moving.

South Sudan is more than just its long history of civil wars and instability. Because of this instability, South Sudan has historically made it extremely difficult for outsiders to conduct explorations of the nation. On the other hand, after achieving independence in 2011, the nation has miraculously overcome all of these tragedies. Nearly four percent of South Africa’s gross domestic product comes from the tourist sector. It is still difficult to explore all of South Sudan because some parts are still dangerous.

This country has taken a lot of heat, but it also offers a lot of appealing aspects. Little is said about the rivers, lakes, 14 national parks, national reserves, the Sudd, the biggest swamp in the world, and likely the finest place on Earth to see birds. South Sudan is home to national parks that dwarf some East African nations.

A lot of people also make the error of thinking that Juba is the only thing the county has to offer. Traveling to rural South Sudan is where you will have the most memorable experiences. With the assistance of a knowledgeable local guide, South Sudan’s unique fauna and cultures can be uncovered in the country’s expansive and remote wilderness.

Things To Do in South Sudan

There is a lot of undiscovered gems in South Sudan. The best Tourist attractions in South Sudan include Boma National Park , Mundari Tribe, Toposa Tribe, Bandigiri National Park, White Nile, Wrestling in Bor etc. Its good experience to explore places that only very few people have had a chance to visit– Pristine wilderness, isolated and rare cultural groups that have not been affected by technology. You would be visiting places which will one day be so popular that you will be smiling (in your advanced age) knowing that you were among the very first to experience it.

Back to security. For those who want to do something different, love adventure and taking risks in order to discover the best that nature has to offer, we don’t recommend that you wait until total peace returns in order to make a decision to visit South Sudan. It is just a matter of time.

SOUTH SUDAN: Why You Should Visit | Top 5 Unmissable Attractions

South Sudan Safari Packages

Without a shadow of a doubt, South Sudan ranks high among the most treacherous travel destinations. The world’s youngest nation, established in 2011, is likely the least visited country in Africa. You won’t discover any typical “sights” in South Sudan. More than half of the country is devoid of “traditional roads” as well. Ancient cultural practices, a plethora of vibrant local tribes, and breathtaking natural scenery are what you may expect to find.

Our South Sudan vacation packages take you to remote tribal communities whose traditions have survived virtually unchanged for generations, far from the tourist traps. If you think you’ve seen it all, you probably haven’t been to South Sudan. People here give you blank looks when you mention tourism, even though the world’s newest nation has only been formally recognized since 2011.

When it comes to its neighbors, South Sudan has a lot in common with Kenya and Ethiopia. Similarities exist between the many indigenous communities of this area and the Omo Valley and the deserts of northern Kenya. However, the modern world has scarcely made an entrance here due to the protracted struggle with the north. Naked warriors prowl the countryside, cattle are the measure of wealth, and tribal units hold more importance than modern nation-states. This is a very wild Africa.

We did not choose this as an easy location. Travelers planning a vacation to South Sudan should brace themselves for some of the continent’s worst roads, as well as inadequate or nonexistent infrastructure and bureaucracy that is sure to slow them down. There is still an air of mystery and adventure here that the more well-trodden paths just can’t compete with. Traveling through Africa seems like it happened thirty or forty years ago.

The Toposa are one of the most ancient and remote African ethnic groups, and reaching their homeland in South Sudan’s “wild east” is like reaching the edge of the planet. Men don’t wear much, while many older ladies still wear skirts fashioned from animal skins. Despite the lack of conventional “sights,” the country’s many inhabitants are its greatest asset. The Mundari wrestlers and the Boya in their lovely villages are two examples of communities who have probably never experienced outsiders.

Mundari Tribe Experience

Mundari Tribe Experience
Join Kabira Safaris & Tours on a three-day journey through the heart of southern Sudan and experience an adventure you won’t soon forget. One of the most intriguing indigenous communities in the area, the Mundari, will have their fascinating culture brought to life through this immersive event.

9 Days in South Sudan Itinerary

9 Days in South Sudan Itinerary
South Sudan is one of the few remaining African countries that can be compared to this. There are some of the most conservative ethnic groups on the continent still practicing the ways of their ancestors in this uncharted and untamed world. This brief South Sudan trip delves into the tribal core of an incredibly interesting area of the continent, drawing on our personal experiences in the world’s newest nation.

South Sudan Tribes Expedition

South Sudan Tribes Expedition
We will visit some of the most ancient and culturally preserved tribes in Africa on our 10-day South Sudan Tribes Expedition. Nobody has been to South Sudan, the newest country in Africa, yet. You can look forward to seeing the Mundari and Dinka, two of Africa’s most indigenous peoples.

South Sudan Tour

Uganda And South Sudan Itinerary
On this wildlife and cultural immersion tour of South Sudan and Uganda for 15 days, you’ll see the Mundari people of South Sudan and the interesting Karamoja people of Uganda, among other things. You’ll also go on treks to Sipi Falls.

Mundari Tour and Dinka cattle camps Tour

Mundari And Dinka Cattle Camps Itinerary
Immerse yourself in the history of South Sudan’s disappearing tribes on an 8-day Mundari And Dinka Cattle Camps photo tour. Some of the world’s most ethnically diverse and wildest locations await you. Two indigenous cultures that have maintained nearly unchanged ways of life for hundreds of years will be our subjects in this cultural photo adventure.

Mundari & Dinka Photo tour

Mundari And Dinka Photo Tour
You may meet some of the most indigenous Mundari and Dinka people in Africa on this 8-day photo tour. North of Juba, the capital of South Sudan, is a tribe known as the Mundari, who graze cattle in a rural area along the White Nile. Living primarily on milk rather than meat, the Mundari.

7 Days South Sudan Tour

7 Days in South Sudan Itinerary
Join us on this One Week/7 Days in South Sudan Itinerary and discover the cultural riches and wild landscapes that await you in the African heartland. South Sudan is a beautiful country full of rich history and lively communities.

Mundari Tour and Dinka cattle camps Tour

Mundari And Dinka Cattle Camps Itinerary
Immerse yourself in the history of South Sudan’s disappearing tribes on an 8-day Mundari And Dinka Cattle Camps photo tour. Some of the world’s most ethnically diverse and wildest locations await you. Two indigenous cultures that have maintained nearly unchanged ways of life for hundreds of years will be our subjects in this cultural photo adventure.

A herd of tiang antelope in Boma and Badingilo National Parks, South Sudan, during their annual migration

Land Mammal Migration in South Sudan
Conflict in the central African nation during the past few decades has rendered the area unsuitable for scientific study, and there is a dearth of information on the migration patterns of the local fauna. However, according to a recent analysis, the biggest known migration of land mammals on Earth is believed to be taking place in South Sudan.

South Sudan Travel Forum

If you are considering visiting South Sudan, here are some of the most common questions we get. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your South Sudanese tour, or if you think we’ve covered everything you might need to know before your trip, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • How to get a South Sudan Visa

If you prefer to apply for a visa in advance, you can do so at the South Sudan embassy that is closest to you. Different embassies have different paperwork needs; some require a lot and others barely any. When compared to their European counterparts, African embassies are often less formal and more affordable.

Electronic visa applications, on the other hand, are the most convenient approach to receive the visa.

We highly recommend obtaining an e-visa! At the time of writing, the price ranges from $100 to $160 USD, though this can alter suddenly depending on your nationality. You can get a South Sudanese letter of invitation from your embassy or from us online to apply for a visa.

You can apply for your South Sudan e-visa here.

  • What are the South Sudan COVID-19 Restrictions

While a vaccination certificate is needed to enter South Sudan, PCR tests are not necessary. Furthermore, it is important to mention that in order to travel South Sudan, documentation of yellow fever vaccine is also necessary.

  • Is it safe to travel to South Sudan

We coordinate with our local guides to stay away from areas of South Sudan where there have been reports of armed conflicts, interethnic violence, or high crime rates. Keep in mind that South Sudan is still somewhat insecure, even though we are collaborating with highly skilled and informed local partners. At the time of our visits, our partners will constantly check to see if the locations are secure. The itinerary may need to be adjusted on occasion, though this happens extremely seldom. It is always done with the utmost care for your safety and the safety of the group, so please know that. Before you decide to go to South Sudan, you should look at government advisories like the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s.

  • Is there corruption in South Sudan

Many of the individuals we meet will be living in abject poverty; therefore, even small donations can have a profound impact on their lives. For instance, you are allowed to bring ordinary household medicines and common school supplies for the kids. Those contributions will have the greatest possible impact thanks to our advisors. For those unfamiliar with the culture, the prevalence of gifts—or bribes, as some would call them—in South Sudan might be perplexing. For that reason, it will be our local guide’s responsibility to present the various community leaders with their gifts and contributions. We kindly request that you not directly contribute to these causes, as they are already factored into the tour price. Before making a donation, please review your instructions.

  • When is the best time to visit South Sudan

In a way, any time of year is fine to visit South Sudan because the weather is rather consistent throughout the year. Be advised to consult with us (Kabira Safaris & Tours Africa and The Bespoke African Safari Co. before planning a solo tour to South Sudan, as the seasonal movements of the tribes are influenced by their nomadic lifestyle.

  • How do you travel to South Sudan

The capital of South Sudan, Juba, is an excellent airport to travel into because it has connections from several African nations, including Sudan and Ethiopia, as well as Dubai. For the time being, we advise against traveling across any land border into South Sudan.

  • What currency should I bring to South Sudan

The best approach to stay out of trouble is to bring solely US dollars in cash. No stains, ink, tears, or stamps allowed; currency must be from 2009 or later. Any notes that don’t adhere to all of these requirements will be rejected by commercial banks and the Central Bank, therefore it’s best to use brand new ones. Bear in mind that South Sudan is home to almost no ATMs and an even smaller number of businesses that accept credit cards.

  • What should I wear in South Sudan

Daytime temperatures in South Sudan are consistently high throughout the year. Loose, light-colored clothing that allows air to circulate and doubles as a sunblock is what you need to bring. But, a sweater and other warm clothing should be brought because the nights can get rather chilly. Bring adequate clothing to be comfortable sleeping outdoors because we will be camping for a few nights.

  • Are there ATMs in South Sudan

One financial institution has an automated teller machine that prints out USD. South Sudan solely deals in US dollars. It is advisable to stay away from these transactions if you can, as they may not go through due to limitations imposed by your home bank. You should check with your home bank to see if they have abolished such limitations before each trip.

  • Can you drink in South Sudan

It is perfectly legal to drink alcohol in South Sudan. Juba, the capital city, has a vibrant nightlife that you may enjoy in the clubs and pubs on your final night of the tour. Beers usually cost between $2 and $3 at restaurants.

  • Is it ethical to travel to South Sudan

War, widespread corruption, and civil unrest have plagued South Sudan since its independence. penalties have been imposed on South Sudan as a result of this, and it is the poor who are bearing the brunt of these penalties, not the ruling class. This leads us to believe that it is not only morally sound, but also greatly beneficial to the general public. It all comes down to your personal view when it comes to ethical questions.

South Sudan Travel Advisory Guide, Visas & Safety

Do not travel to South Sudan, particularly Juba, since the security situation is perilous and armed conflict is a threat; we have reviewed our recommendation for South Sudan and this remains unchanged. There is no way to predict when the security situation will improve or worsen. Remain indoors and away from the streets if there is rioting or civil disturbance. There are severe limitations to the consular services that we can offer in South Sudan.