What is Gorilla Trekking: Definition, Photos, Videos & Tours

What is Gorilla Trekking: Definition, Photos, Videos & Tours – What is Gorilla trekking? entails taking a guided journey through the rainforest in order to spend time with a specific gorilla tribe in their natural habitat. Visiting these enigmatic and magnificent creatures is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You’ll understand the everlasting fascination with these humаn-like creatures when you watch the children at play, the females cooing over their offspring, and the bold posturing of a silvеrbасk.

Gorilla Trekking | Uganda Travel Guide

Best Gorilla Trekking Tours

Follow Kabira Gorilla Safaris on gorilla trekking to Uganda and read the complete tour schedule below.

gorilla trekking is an adventure activity that involves tracking and observing gorillas in their natural habitat. it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that allows visitors to get up close and personal with these majestic animals. Trekking is usually done in groups, with an experienced guide leading the way. The trek can be physically demanding, as it involves hiking through dense jungle and over rough terrain. However, the rewards are well worth the effort, as visitors can observe the gorillas in their natural habitat, learning about their behavior and habits. Trekking is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

5 Days Uganda Gorilla Safari

3 Days Uganda Gorilla Safari Bwindi is a short memorable Uganda Gorilla Holiday to trek Mountain Gorillas.

Gorillas in Mgahinga National Park

3 Days Mgahinga Uganda Gorilla Safari is the best short Gorilla trek safari to Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

3 Days Mgahinga Gorilla Trekking Safari Uganda is the best short Gorilla trekking safari to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park found within the Virunga massif which is a chain of 8 volcanoes.

7 Day Uganda Safari is a Gorilla trekking & WildlifeTour to Bwindi National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park.

5 Days Uganda Gorilla Safari

10 Days Uganda Birding Safari & Gorilla Trekking is such a worthwhile Birding tour, Wildlife, and Gorilla trekking.

But, before embarking on your once-in-a-lifetime gоrillа trеkking adventure, there are a few things you should know. Unlike a game drive, a gorilla trek puts you considerably closer to the action. Read our tips below to learn everything you need to know before paying a visit to see these adorable creatures.

Here is our list of things you should know in order to prepare for your mountain gorilla hike and have a memorable experience!

What is the habitat of the gorillas?

Spoiler alert: the name contains a hint! Mountain gorillas, a subspecies of the eastern gorilla, reside in mountain forests. These woodlands are located at elevations ranging from 2,500 to 4,000 meters (8,000 to 13,000 ft). Mountain gorillas eat plants. Their diet consists of plants that thrive in the cool and moist alpine climate, such as roots, shoots, wild celery, and fruits.

Whеn is the best time for gоrillа trеkking?

It is possible to embark on a gorilla trekking tour all year, however, you will most certainly encounter a lot of rain at certain times of the year. The peak seasons, and thus the best periods to visit, are from June to September and from December to February. These are the two times in Uganda when it rains the least. It’s also when many people in the Northern Hemisphere get their vacation – win! It should be noted that Uganda is never fully dry; rain can be expected all year. During peak seasons, trekking permits are pricier and more in demand. READ MORE

How to obtаin a gоrillа trekking pеrmit

A gorilla trekking permit can be purchased online. It should be noted that they sell out long in advance, so prepare accordingly.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park authorities strongly advise guests to book gorilla permits through a safari agent or tour operator such as Kabira Gorilla Safaris. One reason for this is that the roads to Bwindi can be difficult, if not dangerous, if not approached carefully. Bwindi is in a remote place, and the logistics of getting there must be handled responsibly. (It’s also less expensive to travel in a group.)

When you go gorilla trekking with us, we arrange your gorilla trekking permit, as well as transportation, lodging, and other services. Read More

How much does a trekking permit cost?

A permit for gorilla trekking in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park costs $700 per person. A gorilla trekking permit for Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park costs $1,500. (In Gorilla trekking Rwanda vs Uganda, we explain the reasons behind the substantially higher price tag in Rwanda.)

There are gorilla trekking permits available to help fund gorilla conservation while also limiting the number of people. Too many tourists would be damaging the gorillas’ way of life. The money from hikers’ permits is also used to help local communities flourish.

Am I guaranteed to see mountain gorillas?

As with any journey or safari, there is an agreement that nothing can be guaranteed 100 percent of the time. Having said that, we’ve always seen gorillas on our hikes and have never heard of a group not seeing any. Before someone goes on their journey, the park dispatches trackers. These trackers communicate with your guide by radio and GPS, so you’ll know you’re on the correct track to see gorillas!

A gorilla journey, as previously said, takes you to observe a gorilla troop, which is their family unit. This means that you will most certainly witness a variety of mountain gorillas, including some cute infants!

What is the weather like on a gorilla trek?

Mountain gorillas can be found in montane rainforests. The climate in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is mild and moist. Temperatures remain steady all year. This is because the park is so close to the Equator. Temperatures during the day are typically around 23° C (73° F) and 11° C (52° F) at night. There is no true dry season because rain might fall at any time here! As a result, bring waterproof clothing with you.

What should I wear for gorilla trekking?

Here’s what to pack to wear on the day of your gorilla trek:

  • Lightweight clothing. Daytimе tеmреrаturеѕ аrе gеnеrаllу wаrm tо hоt in Bwindi, so don’t wear thick materials that will make you uncomfortable.
  • A long-sleeved top and long pants. You’re going to want to keep your arms and legs covered so you’re not scratched and bitten during the trek.
  • A rain jacket. It could well rain at some point during the trek, so bring a rain jacket along in your daypack.
  • Long, thick socks. These are to stop creepy crawlies getting too personal with your legs and feet.
  • Sturdy walking shoes. We discuss your shoes in the next point below.

Here’s what not to bring:

  • Navy or black clothes. Dark colors actually attract tsetse flies, which have a nasty bite. Green, tan, grey or brown clothes are great options as they help you blend in with the forest and be less of a distraction to the gorillas. They’re also good at hiding all the dirt and mud that one invariably accumulates during the trek.
  • Camouflage or military-style clothing**.** In Uganda, only the military is allowed to wear camouflage-style clothing.
Do I need to be fit for gorilla trekking?

It’s impossible to know how long you’ll be hiking before you meet up with your gоrilla unit. Some people hike for as little as 30 minutes before arriving at Gorilla, while others can spend up to four hours before meeting their unit. You can, however, request a shorter or longer excursion, and this should be possible within reason. Mountain gorillas reside in highland forests, so viewing them requires ascending to a high altitude and crossing different terrain.

It is recommended that all gorilla trekkers be in good physical condition for these reasons. You must be prepared to climb muddy slopes and walk through dense vegetation. Furthermore, because gorillas are susceptible to human-borne illnesses, you are not permitted to participate in a gorilla trek if you are sick.

Do I need to tip my trekking guide?

If gorilla trekking guides perform an excellent job, they should always be tipped. The amount to tip on a gorilla trip is determined by the quality of service and the length of the trek. If you’re a member of a big group. On a gorilla hike, you’ll always have more than one guide or park ranger accompanying you.

For gratuities, we recommend bringing $20 to $40 in cash. You can pick how much to tip after the walk and share it among them. As a result, having smaller denominations for splitting your money is advantageous. After you’ve spent time with the gorillas, some rangers may not return with you. Given this, we recommend tipping them before departing on your return travel.

How many people are in each trekking group?

The maximum number of visitors per day for any gorilla troop, whether in Rwanda or Uganda, is eight. This excludes the trek guides.

Each trekking group is allotted a specific troop of gorillas to visit. Your guide brings you through the jungle to your gorilla tribe in collaboration with a human tracker. You are only permitted to spend one hour with the unit after you arrive. This time limit is in place to minimize your impact on the primates.

How long does it take to find the gorillas?

When you meet the national park rangers for your briefing in the morning, they will already have a general notion of where the various gorilla troops are. Visitors can choose between a short, medium, or a long hike. If you choose the short walk, you should be able to find your troop in around half an hour, however the extended trek may take two to three hours or more.

If you’re in good physical form, we recommend going on the longer walk; hiking through the deep jungle is a truly unforgettable experience in and of itself! The longer walks also increase your excitement for when you eventually meet the gorillas!

What happens when we find the gorillas?

When your gang locates its gоrillа unit, the clock starts ticking: you only have one hour to spend with them. Most folks sit and simply enjoy being in the presence of the gоrilla. You may also shoot images and videos (but no using your flash). You must, however, remain silent, move gently, and avoid making uddеn mоvеmеnt.

Is it safe to be close to mountain gorillas?

Mountain gorillas are not regarded dangerous in the wild as long as they are content and relaxed. Mountain gorillas are polite and quiet despite their dominance and strength. The mountain gorillas that trekkers can see have also become accustomed to human presence. The habituation process takes approximately two years, and habituated gorillas are deemed safe to be near.

Of course, this does not excuse you from being cautious and adhering to certain standards. You must follow all instructions given to you by your guide. Your guide knows the gorilla very well and will take you to a safe place to stand or sit. If these criteria are followed, there is extremely little likelihood of the gorillas becoming hostile.

Can I take photos of the gorillas?

Photographs of mountain gorillas are permitted as long as a minimum distance of three metres is maintained. Also, flash photography is not permitted because it disturbs the gorillas. This is critical to remember. Finally, pack a waterproof camera bag just in case it rains.

What should I bring on a gorilla trek?

Everyone’s gorilla trekking experience will differ depending on the weather, the depth of your forest hike, where the gorillas are hanging out, and other considerations.

It is critical to be prepared for anything in terms of bringing the proper equipment so that you can focus your energies on enjoying the junglе walk and your time with the gоrillа. Read More

What footwear is best for the trek?

Hiking footwear that have been thoroughly broken in are recommended. Because the ground might be rather muddy in spots, you should wear water-resistant shoes. At certain points, you’ll most likely walk in ankle-deep muck, and perhaps even knee-deep mud, which threatens to rip your boots from your feet. You might even want to put on some gaiters.

Can I hire a porter on a gorilla trek?

If you like, you can hire a local porter from one of the surrounding villages, although most visitors prefer to carry their own belongings in a daypack. The porters in the area charge $15 per day, plus a gratuity. Using a porter is a great way to help the local economy and people. If you employ a porter, we recommend tipping $5 to $10 on top of the $15 price if the service was satisfactory.

How do I choose a trekking tour operator?

If you like, you can hire a local porter from one of the surrounding villages, although most visitors prefer to carry their own belongings in a daypack. The porters in the area charge $15 per day, plus a gratuity. Using a porter is a great way to help the local economy and people. If you employ a porter, we recommend tipping $5 to $10 on top of the $15 price if the service was satisfactory.

There are numerous travel companies that provide gorilla trekking experiences in Uganda and Rwanda. Choosing a firm and group to work with might be difficult. We recommend going with a pleasant, responsible, and personable operator like us who only wants you to have a good time. We also recommend that you go with a tour company that employs locals so that your visit helps the local economy. That would, once again, be us.

Take a peek here for additional details on our Uganda experience. Check out this page for more information on gorilla trekking tours in general. We hope you’ll be able to join us soon!

Do you have any questions? Do you want to talk about this trip? Get in contact with us! We’d appreciate it if you could contact us.